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Status Updates posted by Naemeth

  1. New Avatar to celebrate passing 4k posts, what do you all think?

    1. allcart


      Great picture and a beautuful sun. The illustrator has a fantastic imagination.

    2. Pig


      Nice one Jonathan :)

    3. Naemeth


      She does indeed :).

  2. Rather successful first time with the Leeds Astronomical Society - even though I was my usual awkward self (as is the way with people I don't know). Looking forward to going again :).

  3. Wow, the Moon looks beautiful tonight. Quite full though, so might wait a little while before getting the scope out ;).

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Pig


      I think you should get me one of each, so in a strange way we kind of agree :)

    3. Naemeth
    4. Pig
  4. Hoping to get back from work tonight with just enough energy to drag the 10" dob and get a first light with the Deloi. Haven't seen Jupiter for so long...

    1. stevend


      With a cold, clear night expected the wait should be worth it. Last night was superb.

    2. Naemeth


      Back from work, absolutely knackered, going to rest for a bit and see if I'm up to it. The sky looks superb but my bed looks tempting too. Will report back tomorrow morning/afternoon with what I did...

  5. Two Deloi this month, a pair of binoculars for my dad, a pair for me. This month is turning out to be quite expensive ;).

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Naemeth


      Doubt I could... I've changed my mind in that I'm not currently planning any new OTAs, an Astrotrac and big (astro) holiday are planned for next year.

    3. Pig


      Way to go Jonathan :)

    4. emadmoussa
  6. 666 likes, should I be worried?

    1. emadmoussa


      maybe 25 from me :D

    2. Pig


      I asked someone to like a comment when I got to 666

    3. Qualia


      I think Nero Caeser translated in Hebrew is also their number for 666.Hexakosioihexekontahexaphobia is the phobia.

  7. Email from FLO: Telrad has been dispatched :D

    1. emadmoussa


      Oh, back in stock...cool!

  8. Leeds Astronomical Society meeting cancelled tonight, I'm not having the best luck. Oh well, Pub Quiz it is :).

  9. Up at 6 tomorrow morning, 4th day running.

    1. foundaplanet


      Bettrer than going down the pit 364 days a year at half three till midnight...:D

    2. Pig


      And an extra hour:)

    3. Naemeth
  10. Pile of old bank statements is now at 20 left to shred manually. Soon I'll be done with them :D. Hurts your hand shredding them (by scissors) over and over again for hours :(

    1. Show previous comments  8 more
    2. ronin


      Bought a shredder 2 months back, says 7 sheets, more like 3 or 4 to be safe. Brilliant little thing. Should have bought one years ago.

    3. Naemeth


      Might get a shredder, but now the pile is dwindling so I might not need one for long...

    4. Pig


      I used to have a manual shredder, it was pretty good but only lasted a year and then the winding handle snapped

  11. That was unexpected, sudden clear blue sky.

    1. Naemeth


      Spoke too soon, started pouring down with rain.

  12. The Heritage seems such a pain to use compared to my other set-ups... time for a re-build I think.

  13. Partly cloudy partly clear tonight. Hardly worth taking the 10" dob out for, the Heritage meanwhile. It's been a while ;)

    1. AlexB67


      clouds have come back here already. Tomorrow looks more promising. Seems like a session has not been had for ages.

  14. Looking fairly clear on Wednesday, might get some more stargazing done :D.

    1. Daniel-K


      i was thinking the same thing :) i finish at 6am on wed for 4days too :)

    2. emadmoussa


      Been ages, hasn't it?

    3. Naemeth
  15. Two boxes of Jaffa cakes in two days. I don't have any self control when it comes to them...

  16. Starts raining a couple of hours before I have to be in work (for the first time in over 2 weeks), perhaps the weather is trying to tell me something ;). Either way, the cycle there isn't going to be fun in heavy rain.

    1. rowan46


      get some mudguards fitted and you are good to go

    2. Naemeth


      Turns out it wasn't that bad. Good call on the mudguards, may get some next payday :).

  17. When will this rain end?

    1. emadmoussa


      I like rain, but not when i don't have to go out, observe at night or get the wash to dry. Best thing about the rain is it keeps the noisy neighbors locked in...and for that I should be grateful :)

    2. crashtestdummy


      I don't mind rain and clouds when the moon is up :)

  18. I LOVE this Panoptic. Stupid clouds spoiling the fun :(.

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. emadmoussa


      Supposedly it'll be clear tonight. Give it a shot and let us hear your review. Shaun might go ahead and buy it :D :D

    3. Daniel-K


      I had the 24mm panoptic when I had my 10" dob had 14 galaxy's in the fov from our dark sky location cracking EPs I may have to get another soon

    4. Naemeth


      2nd hand. But new to me:

  19. Great... the local observing sessions for my society have both been no-go's :(. The next one will be when I'm back at work, just my luck :(.

  20. New battery charger ordered. If I find my current one I'll be very mad...

  21. I've said it before, but I'll say it again. I've got all the kit I need, for the next few months, time to enjoy it :).

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Naemeth


      Well, I did think it for all of 5 hours, so that's good. A 24mm Pan may be on the cards...

    3. nephilim


      5 hrs without thinking about new astro kit is a long time, especially with the dark nights starting ;0)

    4. Naemeth


      Indeed. Actually, it was more like 12 hours :O

  22. Ah, that lovely feeling after doing some observing :D.

    1. Amra


      Ah, I envy you! I could do with some of that feeling now. :)

    2. Pig


      Would be nice :-)

  23. Taking the opportunity to learn the skies better - it's close to a full moon so my scope won't be at it's best - again!

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Naemeth


      Indeed :). I don't mind it so much, but when I try and do DS observing it does make it more difficult for galaxies..

    3. AlexB67


      I learned to accept the moon and observe it when it is around and enjoy it. It is drifting away ever so slightly but not going way anytime soon :D

    4. crashtestdummy


      I hate the moon and pretty much put the scope away for two weeks a month to avoid it but have started having the odd hour here or there to tick off the brighter Herschel 400 clusters and ngc's.

  24. Where's my flipping camera battery charger? I don't want to have to buy ANOTHER one!

  25. Just realised the 'minimum' number of scopes to go for - 9, isn't enough. There's no solar scope in there!

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. ronin


      Seem to recall reading that 11 was the minimum required, that did not include finders however.

    3. Naemeth


      Might add an MN190, not sure. That would be 11 :).

    4. ronin


      Hope this comes out. CNArchive: http://www.cloudynights.com/ubbarchive/showflat.php?Cat=&Board=refractors&Number=2487008&Forum=,,,f54,,,&Words=+how +many&Searchpage=3&Limit=50&Main=2487008&Search=true&where=sub&Name=&daterange=1&newerval=&newertype=&olderval=18&oldertype=m&bodyprev=#Post2487008

      BillP posted this some time back, liked the thinking.

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