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Everything posted by knobby

  1. Yankee Doodle land, took about 2 weeks to arrive and missed customs so no tax.
  2. Installing was very simple , just need to make sure cables inside miss the focuser. I think they work pretty well, certainly seems to cool quicker.
  3. Hi Andy, I had a 250 Dob for a while and loved it, the main thing I found with it was to allow a good hour or so to let it cool to match surrounding conditions ... The big 10" mirror holds heat which then ripples the air around it, once it was cooled it was superb. Don't expect too much from Saturn or Jupiter at this time as they are well past their best now, pretty low down in the atmosphere murk. They look much better when higher up. Also, what eyepiece are you using, the 25 that came with mine was ok but the 10 was fairly poor ?
  4. Again, im no expert but I believe for Orion it's best to do some short exposure to get the central stars and some longer exposure for the nebula, then combine in software like an HDR shot.
  5. I looked at this for my 5300 but it gave me a migraine ... I think they have a forum, might be something on there .
  6. You could try putting the O ring on the 1st slot, and checking for debris in the pressure cell, also spreading the grease in there around evenly might help.
  7. Ain't gonna win no prizes but it's mine and I did it Lunt 50mm, Asi224
  8. C8 edge, AVX mount ( flat battery so just a glorified tripod) 18mm excel ep, HTC 10 phone.
  9. HTC 10, no scope just a beer glass to hold steady for an 8 second exposure at ISO 400, manual focus, contrast and brightness tweaked with photoshop express (Android) to match the apparent sky colour. The streaks are form next doors security lights !
  10. My old Mak in action ... And an assortment of Cloud Dodgers scopes ...
  11. well lets hope the weather men are wrong ... they quite often are !
  12. I read on solar chat that 10-15 seconds is optimum as the sun cahnges Rapidly
  13. Quick note to anyone using the 2" hole in the end cap of their Dob with solar film, please make sure that not only is the film secured really well but tape (at least) the whole cap onto the ota, they're really easily knocked or blown off and not particularly well fitting .
  14. Bit the bullet, sold my Dob and saved up a bit ... Gone Solar .
  15. Aim for mid gain, adjust shutter speed to give about 75% histogram, leave gamma at 50 and capture as many frames as you can in about 90 to 120 seconds. Then have a play with settings to see what works best for you .
  16. Looks nice Adam ! We Essex boys really must do more spending , last purchase was January
  17. Not the answer you're looking for but ... I admire your tenacity and commitment ! Have you tried team celestron? They might be useful
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