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Status Updates posted by Qualia

  1. Clear skies, seeing a crisp 5/5, scope collimated to a tee, frac itching for a cluster or double and...a near full moon. I love the Moon but not tonight :-)

    1. Joel Shepherd

      Joel Shepherd

      I feel your pain. Open clusters around Cassiopeia are an antidote. :-)

    2. Pig


      It certainly was a cracking night, very cold here though brrrr

    3. Ant


      Sounds great Rob, shame the good nights are always around new moon.

  2. Climbing roof top after moon session and finder did 35m free fall on concrete. It's now on the desk in 5 individual parts.

    1. Show previous comments  10 more
    2. AlexB67


      I guess looking on the bright side, lucky it wasn't you falling 35m. Except for my first day dropping my RDF on concrete I've not dropped anything since .... so far so good :-)

    3. nightfisher


      The "extreme astronomer", bit of a nuisance about the finder, but at least your ok

    4. Qualia


      Thanks for the kind words. I've set up a little thread on the entire business in the Astro Lounge.

  3. Cystal clear evening tonight, took Jupiter to 200x, and got blinded with the moon at around 280x.

  4. Did anyone else see a small black dot over Jupiter this morning; about 10 o'clock-ish on the edge of the surface? I don't think it was my EPs for I went through the 5,6,7mm and each showed the same thing.

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Qualia


      Thank you, Cotterless. The dark spot wasn't around the equator and the more I search I cannot find anyone else seeing the same thing. I will clean my OTA and look again tomorrow.

    3. Qualia


      Finally worked out the mystery. It was Io's shadow crossing over. A very pretty and spectacular sighting.

    4. tingting44


      wow so it was a moon then?

      and i did not know you could still see jupiter gone past 10am!!!! REALLY?? :D did u get any pics

  5. Discovering something as frustrating as a cloudy night. Crystal clear nights with chronic seeing conditions. Stars looking like head lights, craters all a blur and Jupiter like a smeary blob. Not even the little 4" could win :-(

    1. cotterless45


      Yep, we get the very same. So clear to the eye, then wobbly wobbly fuzz !

    2. Marki


      Seems like every "clear" night for the two weeks has been like that for me...hoping we'll get some crisper nights in winter proper.

    3. Space Dragon

      Space Dragon

      I think the Jet stream is above us at the moment.

  6. expecting 140km/h gales tomorrow...

  7. Fascinating time around the Moon's Ocean of Storms tonight. Any suggestions of damping down wind vibration of frac on AZ4?

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. foundaplanet


      I have hear that some folk hang sand bags from thm or even fill the legs with sand.

    3. cotterless45


      I filled my legs with wet mortar !

    4. Qualia


      Thanks for the tips. I might give those sand ones a try.

  8. First Light report for the Moonshane

  9. First night in the desert. Got wonderfully spell bound by the cobweb complexity of the Milky Way. Loads of M numbers, few sketches.

    1. nightfisher


      Excellent my friend, a dark sky makes so much difference

  10. Freezing but a gorgeous night out.

    1. chiltonstar


      Yep, same here. Minus 3, stunning seeing - shame about the Moon!


    2. YKSE


      Not that cold here, but only short sessions between clouds.

    3. Qualia


      Good to hear you both got a session in :-)

  11. Getting to within 1% error in measuring star separation.

  12. Good to be back. I promise to reply to all posts etc over the next day or so. I hope everyone had a good August :-)

    1. Show previous comments  6 more
    2. Qualia


      Thank you all for your kind words. It really is nice to be back and to see such warm and tender folk. Thank you :-)

    3. Pig


      Welcome back Mr Gough

    4. Piero


      A warm welcome back, Rob! :)

  13. Gorgeous banner. The Halloween theme really stands out and is very inviting.

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Qualia
    3. Ant


      That's what the sky looked like from my old house :)

      Wasn't supposed to be LP though!

    4. foundaplanet


      Well I thought it was the glow of all the bonfires but then LP is not something that is on my mind much around here..:)

  14. Gorgeous spotty sun today

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Qualia


      Thanks, David. I have to go to work right now, but I'll quicky post up a rough sketch in the solar section :-)

    3. Qualia


      Ok, all done. Now I must dash :-)

    4. Pig


      The weekend is looking promising here, so fingers crossed it stays that way :-)

  15. Got back this Monday morning from the best dark skies I have ever seen. Ever! Still in a state of shock. The days were fabulous as well, up in the mountains, clear skies, running rivers and forests.

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. nightfisher


      Q, sounds like you had a superb time, im taking the new mrs nightfisher camping to north yorkshire in july, will also take tal100 he he

    3. emadmoussa


      Where was that?

    4. Qualia


      Pyrenees' Mountains, Spanish side.

  16. Gutted. 45 days of morning sun and evening stars broken by clouds :-(

    1. foundaplanet


      Oh dear, that's tragic...:D

    2. Qualia
    3. foundaplanet


      Ha, I think I have only seen the sun about three times in the last six weeks....;)

  17. Had a nice night last night - good clear skies.

    1. foundaplanet


      Grand :) Still draeming about them here

    2. Marki


      Nice Rob! FOrgotten what they look like myself, but the weather forecast is vaguely promising for tomorrow...after yet more snow, that is!

    3. nightfisher


      good to hear you got a good session in

  18. Have never seen the sun so active as today!

    1. foundaplanet


      Yes, I had a peek at it yesterday. Looking very busy isn't it.

    2. nightfisher


      lucky to see any thing in the sky...........pesky clouds

    3. Qualia


      We'll have to work something out! There's been about 36 days of clear skies, not all them great but suffice. Today is bright blue and hot.

  19. Hope you all have a great weekend. See ya Sunday night

    1. tingting44


      have a great one :) im off to london tomorrow, back sun/mon...so see u soon :D

  20. Hope you all pass a peaceful and loving New Year! See you next year, SGLers.

  21. Hot today and tomorrow more so. Today is already 38ºC and tomorrow they reckon that'll climb to around 45ºC. Anyway, Sun looks rather charming and well worth a visit in white light or h-alpha :-)

    1. David Smith

      David Smith

      45ºC -ouch! I like my Sunshine but......

  22. Hot today. Perfect beach weather with over 30ºC in the morning Sun. Nice prominence activity on western limb. The main section is as much as 85,000km in height.

    1. tingting44


      ok for some lol :)

      i do love spain

    2. Pig


      I just got my first view in quite some time :-) very impressive..30 degrees what is that !!!

  23. I managed it! Left scope to cool at 7pm. Finished the Pilar parties at 4am. Came home and enjoying the 3 Jovian Moon transit. Just gone 7am, so time for bed and then preparing a mid-day meal for the in-laws to wind up the fiestas....

    1. foundaplanet


      I am green with envy..:D Nice one I bet it was grand..

    2. nightfisher


      Well done Q i got up at 0500 to see it but here in the uk wall to wall cloud and rain....a rather wet star party

  24. I think this is the worst weather I've experienced in over 2 years. We're already 12 days into the New Year. Not a single night out under the stars and I've only seen the Sun 5 times!! Absolute rubbish. Foggy all weekend and now it's tipping down :-(

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. jetstream


      Hang in there Qualia,the sky will change,eventhough its frustrating now...

    3. Marki


      Have you moved to the uk ? :-)

    4. Qualia


      Thanks for the comments, guys. Woke up early this morning and it's still raining. Oh well, I guess it's natures way of telling us to do something else in the meantime :-)

  25. If anyone has clear skies tonight and a little time, could they check out NGC 3190. I swear I saw a star in the line of sight, so it looked like the star was embedded within the galaxy. The strange thing is, I can't find any reference to the star?

    1. Show previous comments  19 more
    2. Qualia


      That is a great help, Scooot. Thank you. It really is a bright galaxy and quite playful in its way. Since last observing, we've had nothing but rain and cloud. When it clears, I will head out and see if I can properly discern what is going on. Quite frustrating really. Thank you again.

    3. JB80


      At the moment the weather is quite good here so hopefully it is the same for you and it will hold off for tonight.

    4. Qualia


      No. It's tipping down and cloudy and has been like this all week. I think it will begin to clear up around Sunday :-(

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