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Everything posted by wookie1965

  1. That is another object I have not seen from home I do need to get to a dark sky to tick these objects off. Thanks for posting great session.
  2. I was so happy to get out again I have had a bad time and then the mount would not play ball I found out it was a power issue now that is sorted and I am in the process of getting a new power supply. I am so thrilled I have inspired you I had that list for about 4 weeks there are more Leo doubles there I may go there again next time out. Good luck with everything and thank you for the kind words. Paul
  3. I am a double star fan and most of the time I view them with clusters thrown in. Having light polluted skies its no use looking for fuzzies so your better off going for multiple stars and clusters and I wanted to say thank you for these resources really appreciate you posting them.
  4. That's it from here I Can only see Polaris I cannot see any of the other stars in Ursa Minor.
  5. Dave it was at 1 o'clock when I got it quite a few weeks back I was pretty sure I had got it but with you saying that has confirmed it so thank you. Paul
  6. If using a good pair of binoculars and I chose old favourites while scanning for them I am going to come across new objects that I would have to identify.
  7. Great getting the Leo trio I have never caught them from home, you must have dark skies.
  8. Wow those doubles are all over the sky certainly got nearly every constellation in. Thanks for posting.
  9. Nice report @Stu some nice doubles there I got a 1.4° split in the TAL 100rs but I think that's about it for that scope, those doubles are really tight I don't think I could get them in my 5".
  10. I have used my Tal 100rs with a filter I made and got some great pictures I have a lunt Herschel wedge now just a 1.25" but it does the job.
  11. After a eternity with weather, health and then mount finally got out. I had set up in the afternoon so was ready when it got dark. LEO 54 (SAO 0815 83) Mags 4.5 and 6.3 with a separation of 6.3" contrast of a yellow and blue companion. 90 (SAO 0996 73) Mags of 6.3, 7.3 and 6.3, 9.8 separation between first pair was 3.4" and the star making the triple 67" both off white with the third of the triple a grey dot. Σ1521 (SA) 0817 40) Mags of 7.7 and 8.1 with a separation of 3.6" Both white stars. ΟΣ 215 (SAO 0990 32) Mags of 7.2 and 7.5 with a tight separation of 1.4" had to barlow a TMB 6.5mm even then only got the spit with averted vision both white stars. 49 (SAO 1183 80) Mags of 5.8 and 7.9 with a separation of 2.1" Yellow with a dot at the side. 6 (SAO 1177 57) Mags of 5.2 and 9.3 with a separation of 37.4" ruddy red with a tiny dot. ιota (SAO 0995 87) Mags of 4.1 and 6.7 with a 1.7" separation lovely contrast of Lemon and blue. τau/83 (SAO 1188 64) mags of 6.6 and 7.5 with a separation of 28.6" and mags of 5.1 and 7.5 with a separation of 88.9" with this double double one yellow one lemon with a grey do beside them both. γ Gamma (SAO 0812 98) Mags of 2.4 and 3.6 with a separation of 4.6" Gold with a green/yellow companion. 88 (SAO 0996 48) Mags of 6.3 and 9.1 with a separation of 15.4" Yellow with a Blue/Purple companion. α Regulus (SAO 0989 67) Mags of 1.4 and 8.2 with a separation of 176" Off white and Lilac. Tried for two clusters in Puppis M46 and M47 two I have never seen but only got M47 Monoceros Beta Mon Finest triple (SAO 1333 17) Mags of 4.6 and 5.0 and third component 5.0 and 5.3 all white dog leg configuration. NGC 2301 "Hagrids Dragon" NGC 2264 "Christmas Tree" Coma Berenices ΟΣ 266 13h 28.4` +15° 43` Mags of 8.0 and 8.4 with a separation of 2.0" Both stars lime coloured. 2 (SAO 0821 23) Mags of 6.2 and 7.5 with a separation of 3.7" Lilac with a pale yellow. 24 (SAO 1001 60) Mags of 5.1 and 6.3 with a separation of 20.1" nice Orange and Blue here. 32-33 (SAO 1003 11) Mags of 6.5 and 7.0 with a separation of 195.6" Pale Orange and Ivory Σ 1685 (SAO 1003 07) Mags of 7.3 and 7.8 with a separation of 16.0" White and Lime M53 lovely cluster Canes Venatici "La Superba" (SAO 0443 17) Lovely Red/Orange ember glowing. 2 (SAO 0440 97) Mags of 5.9 and 8.7 with a separation of 11.2" Rudy Red and Silver Σ 1645 (SAO 04410 87) Mags of 7.5 and 8.1 with a separation of 9.6" Both off white nearly identical α "Cor Caroli" (SAO 0632 57) Mags of 2.9 and 5.5 with a separation of 19.3" Lemon and copper. 16/17 (SAO 0633 80) Mags of 6.0 and 6.3 with a separation of 277.5" both white I also saw another pair in the same FOV. Σ261 (SAO 0633 96) Mags of 7.4 and 7.6 with a separation of 2.6" split by a hair Blue white stars. Σ1755 (SAO 0635 93) Mags of 7.3 and 8.1 with a separation of 4.2" nice off White and a blue configuration here. I tried for M51 again and the Leo triple but could not see anything never got these from home. 11.30 pm now so packed up a great session.
  12. I had a fantastic night not very good transparency but I got every double more magnification than I should because of it.
  13. I bought two of these so they plug into my power bank which powers my USB dew bands.
  14. My Celestron C-102 got it out to look at the sun and then a quick hour before clouds rolled in. At least I know my problems were down to power.
  15. Well done Doug I went in the yard looked up could see 5 stars of Leo and could not see Orion`s Sword it was that milky, over the top of my house Cassiopeia was supposed to be there but that milky could not see one star. Nice getting Tegmine I believe this can be split in a 4" but I have only done it in a 5" I will check those doubles to see if I have done them before if not I can add to my lists thanks for posting.
  16. I have never tried for these so thanks for posting.
  17. Clear here but milky can only see brightest stars could not even see Orion's Sword.
  18. The 10amp supply must be faulty I have been out tonight using the 7amp and a power tank to power a dew heater, so the 7amp was just powering the mount and after a 2 star alignment using Sirius and Caph went to M42 it was up and to the right so used PAE got it to the centre, next NGC 2301 just a tad out did the same to that next NGC 2264 bang in the middle so was Beta Mon (SAO 1333 17) lovely triple. next M36, M37,M38, NGC 457 all bang in middle I got three doubles in Leo then cloud rolled over but I now know there is nothing wrong with the mount its definitely power. As the 7amp is working I am going to use that for a couple of weeks and save up for the power supply and lynx astro cable then I will be set.
  19. Did rainbow astro have a stall very intrigued to see those mounts.
  20. Takes me all my time take a picture using my phone never mind setting up cameras and guide scopes.
  21. Brilliant I have saved them for my next outing.
  22. I had the scope out two nights ago using the 10amp but I've bought a power tank which I strap to the scope and wind the cables around the ota as before they were hanging down and getting caught on the locking pins on tripod. So I have used it just for the mount.
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