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Everything posted by wookie1965

  1. wookie1965

    Jupiter x 2

    Brilliant John I'm hoping to get out Wednesday night but I doubt I will get views like these with my 4" Refractor.
  2. I regret buying the 10" celestron starsense its too heavy for me with my spine. I have had it up for sale for months I'm going to use the money for a easier mount something like a Ioptron AZ pro I believe I can make it fit my EQ5 extension tube so I can easily use my F10 refractors. Once I have saved up I will look for a carbon fibre tripod with a extension.
  3. Tal 100rs, Herschel Wedge, Polarising Filter, Celestron zoom and a S21
  4. Nice one Neil now collimate my Tal
  5. A warm welcome back to SGL
  6. I am going to try my best to get there would love to meet up with people, says 2.5hrs drive to get there.
  7. https://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/175828443582?_trkparms=amclksrc%3DITM%26aid%3D777008%26algo%3DPERSONAL.TOPIC%26ao%3D1%26asc%3D20230811123856%26meid%3D31e4a123f3454e9dac3b8fb8691e6837%26pid%3D101770%26rk%3D1%26rkt%3D1%26itm%3D175828443582%26pmt%3D1%26noa%3D1%26pg%3D4375194%26algv%3DRecentlyViewedItemsV2&_trksid=p4375194.c101770.m146925&_trkparms=parentrq%3Aea5a902218c0acf322e9d965fffffe1e|pageci%3A8532f909-ae54-11ee-95cb-76e2354866e4|iid%3A1|vlpname%3Avlp_homepage There you go. Paul
  8. I used this when the rings were to big for my 5" Refractor You can get non adhesive ones.
  9. As long as the secondary is in the right place (small mirror) you will only need to tweak your primary (big mirror), if you don't drop or bang the tube you should not need to touch the secondary again.
  10. https://www.bresseruk.com/Astronomy/BRESSER-Extension-Tube-25-mm-for-2-5-HEXAFOC.html
  11. I've got this I need to move. 20240106_185603.mp4
  12. Only seen it once which was early last year with my 5" Meade refractor with a barlowed 6mm and putting Sirius just out on the edge of the FOV. I wish I had not sold that now, 1 of two of the biggest mistakes of my astronomy hobby.
  13. A warm welcome to SGL
  14. I have had one good session since June with health and weather but this winter from October to today has been rain rain rain. According to the BBC weather app next clear sky is the 9th from 5pm until 10pm but I will not hold my breath.
  15. According to the BBC weather app forecast is light rain showers the next clear spell is Tuesday the 9th from 5pm until 10pm
  16. wookie1965

    Hi to all

    A warm welcome to SGL
  17. Not all astronomy related but a good haul.
  18. Every astronomy event this year has been clouded out as far as I can remember. I have not seen one meteor shower this year.
  19. wookie1965

    Ahoy hoy!

    A warm welcome to SGL
  20. Put a piece of paper opposite the focuser (White) then put a piece of card inside the tube to block the primary mirrors reflection. Then rotate the secondary (back off the three collimation screws a tad) get it so you can see a full circle. Take the card out now using the 3 screws small adjustments get the primary mirror clips all the same. Thats the hardest part done unless you drop or bang the tube you wont need to touch this again. Now using the three screws on the primary centre the dot in the donut. Once you have done this a few times it gets easier like riding a bike. Take a look at this site. https://web.archive.org/web/20200223041214/http://www.schlatter.org:80/Dad/Astronomy/collimate.htm
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