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Everything posted by kirkster501

  1. Brilliant! Ordering one - despite what I said earlier about not buying anything else, this is cheap enough and I will be definitely sticking with wide-field. This is just what I have been looking for to eliminate the minute tilt.
  2. Seeing was not good on those pics above and no filters at all in play. I want to use RGB when I get the hang of mono a bit better. It always seems the case that on the rare occasions that it's clear in the UK, the Moon is belting down. So might as well work with that fact than against it.
  3. That's why I do it Dave! Really enjoy the Moon. Always something new to see and do with it.
  4. With 14" SCT and ASI174. Just mono at the moment. Will play about with colour if we ever get a clear night again, I have the filters ready to go. My favourite is the Copernicus one.
  5. A small matter of being able to see said Moon and said Hyades through the permacloud!
  6. I'm always blinded by thre moon whatever scope I use. I have light blue eyes.
  7. Thanks Useful for when I get a Lunt. They rarely come up used.
  8. Which reducer did you use please?
  9. Nigella is that full disk sun with the 60mm?
  10. Thanks again all. I'd like to build a Canon PSU inside my field battery box. The one below. Any ideas or circuits for this please?
  11. Also, this power pack can also power up the Canon 1100D with Liveview as well. This is great news. I can take this camera on holiday now with my Star Adventurer and a Manfrotto BeFree tripod, the whole lot weight about 3kg. https://www.amazon.co.uk/gp/product/B07S829LBX/ref=ppx_yo_dt_b_asin_title_o05_s00?ie=UTF8&psc=1
  12. I worked it out..... 😀 I was sure the camera settings were fine. And indeed they were. So I tried the Canon battery - which is itself almost knackered. It WORKED!!!! But I wasn't happy that my new USB powered power adapter wouldn't work. So I plugged the adapter into a different USB source, possibly one that could provide more power. It worked! The USB port providing the power before is off of a mains power brick so I would have thought that would have supplied ample juice. But it doesn't.... Power the power adapter off of my main PC and it works a treat. Thanks everyone for your thoughts it has helped me a lot. For sure, I know the 1100D menus back to front now! This is the power adapter I am using for the 1100D. https://www.amazon.co.uk/gp/product/B07C1ZL882/ref=ppx_yo_dt_b_asin_title_o05_s00?ie=UTF8&psc=1 I will now provide a separate USB power point on my battery box for it.
  13. Thanks Alan, the batteries idea is next on my list. I will be disappointed if that's the case though since I only just bought the mains adapter to save me swapping batteries constantly Yes, the LCD shuts down during the timeout as well. I will investigate that thought. I played with thre metering timer but that didn't seem to make any difference. Can't do anything on this today as working on my car later and then off to my GF's house for NY. Will check these ideas out guys - many thanks.
  14. Would like to get a solarscope. I'm not spending any more on night time astro now and need to get more use out of the stuff I already have.
  15. Hi guys, thanks, yeah I am using camera standalone and also have done multiple factory resets..... I have the camera on M mode, BULB, F2.0, ISO 800 with lens on Manual. Liveview set to enabled. So all set correctly as far as I can tell. Definitely used to work with Liveview. Will try some way out things like the lens etc to see if thats causing it. May check into the firmware as well. I need to get this going because want to get into whole constellation photography as well.
  16. Hi all, I cannot seem to get liveview on my DSLR Canon to stay on for over a second or so. Liveview starts, displays on the camera screen but then stops after a second. I have turned off auto power down which is the oft cited reason. Noting I do will make the screen stay on so I can focus on a star. Any ideas please? Incidentally, liveview starts with APT but that also cuts out after a second as well ands disconnects the camera. Camera is powered by mains adapter and otherwise works perfectly. At my wits end, any ideas please? Thanks, Steve
  17. Yay, I can come in hammered from the New year celebrations and watch Asteroids sleeping hangover off.....
  18. I have converged now on my TEC140, a Meade 14" ACF, FSQ85 and a 12" Dob. Bought CPC1100 from new. Great scope. Sold and wish I kept it. Bought a SW ED80 used and kept concurrently with CPC1100- sold when upgraded to FSQ85. Bought 12"Dob Goto. - keeper. Heavily modded it. Bought FSQ85 and reducer. Under review whether I keep it. I'm more interested in prime DSLR lenses nowadays for wider field. Bought RC8. Great scope but sold it - too fiddly (IMO) C925 for travel on my NEQ6. Keeper I think for now. Will review. Bought TEC140 - keeper. This is my favourite scope. Bought Meade 14". Keeper for now. Planets are so poorly placed I am not using it as much as I thought I would do and skies where I live not dark enough to do it justice.
  19. Nicely done Victor! My brother is married to a Dane and lives not far from you at Grosse Bakkerby Been to the fjord there many times.
  20. I don’t want it to explode. Imagine Orion without Betelgeuse! i have also noticed it is fainter this year.
  21. Assuming you have reasonable focus. Unpark scope. Start tracking in sitech app. Slew anywhere it can see some stars. Plate solve. Slew to object. Jobs a good ‘un.
  22. The better the data the less time needed to process it. That’s what I’ve found.
  23. Hope you get this sorted. I love skywatcher stuff. FLO are a fabulous retailer and I buy without hesitation because of their outstanding service and help.
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