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Everything posted by kirkster501

  1. I find it difficult switching my brain from upside down / left to right views between finder and main scope and interpreting this from the star map, which is always "right way up". That's why Telrad is so good.
  2. Can you remove the bolts completely ( or loosen them significantly) and then adjust the altitude without the bolts?
  3. Excellent. Always love a M101.
  4. Yeah... Only have to run two cables up the pier; a 13.8v "main" cable that is connected to the power distribution splitter (with car fuses), and a USB cable connected to a quality USB hub (Startech). Having only two cables means there is not a big, thick loom of cables hanging down upsetting balance (which it 100% will do) and getting stuck on things during slews/flips.
  5. Science section. We are discussing theories and ideas as to how this may/may not be possible one day.
  6. Yes indeed, "you never know"! How many times have I said that before.... ? Do you know which geographical data centre runs the SGL server or no idea and it is just hosted in the cloud somewhere?
  7. Interesting,. thanks Grant. Are you going to run the two simultaneously then cut off the existing server at 9 after a DB snapshot ? I've done many of these over the years in my job.
  8. Maybe we could all share the Nobel Prize here guys by solving this conundrum?
  9. Even if it were possible to teleport in lab conditions, Star Trek shows people being beamed down to a determined place. There is no equipment to reconstruct the teleported object at that place. Maybe they could tunnel through Space Time, from the Transportation room send the body through that tunnel and the tunnel emerges at a predefined place that the Enterprise programs on that given body? Pure science fiction of course but in the absence of reconstruction equipment that must be the way...?!
  10. Actually, I have some pictures on my laptop. PSU PowerPole power distribution box. The 12V from the power supply is mains cable of which I used the Brown and Blue.
  11. I have a 12V PSU mounted on a shelf half way up my peer. I then run a single 12v (13.8v actually) cable to a 12V PowerPole distribution box with fuses on the top of one of my scopes. I then take a 12v to each piece of gear, right at the top of the peer. Photos to follow when i get home. https://www.amazon.co.uk/Chunzehui-Horizontal-Connector-Splitter-Distributor/dp/B078NRK271/ref=sr_1_13?adgrpid=50671199262&gclid=Cj0KCQjwn8_mBRCLARIsAKxi0GKae5nnP1loW_0rX2IW8LMUPAivw6EgXwZqHcn8U9D7WpTyd8yCgOQaAlBJEALw_wcB&hvadid=259100281675&hvdev=c&hvlocphy=9046404&hvnetw=g&hvpos=1t2&hvqmt=e&hvrand=9518479077411684468&hvtargid=aud-614731612295%3Akwd-299629367424&hydadcr=28176_1821089&keywords=powerpole+connectors&qid=1557407088&s=gateway&sr=8-13
  12. Well, your results speak for themselves Lucas! Great work.
  13. Meade ACF 14" weighs in at 28kg. Add another 2kg for the Moonlite focuser. I have these two scopes side-by-side mounted with TEC140 on MESU 200 and works great. I have yet to image with the Meade 14" in this arrangement though so the jury is out. The TEC140 works fine in this arrangement. I was wondering how the QHY183 would work with the 14" Meade with the CCDT67.
  14. ...... tell me about it. Dreadful. I'm starting to lose heart with astro a bit in the UK, as much as I love it. Cloudy skies 95% of the time and when not cloudy the seeing is rubbish. The number of clear, steady nights per year can be counted on one hand. Superb M51 Lucas!
  15. ^^^^ Star Trek style? Often wondered this. Doing this in a lab and transferring quantum state of a static, unliving object between two highly controlled labs then maybe? But to be beamed down onto another world without any equipment or machine to do the re-assembly? What do you think?
  16. It is amazing how many PGC galaxies are visible in many images. Astonishing that you can capture stuff 10 billion light years away with amateur equipment. The background of Leo and Virgo and that general area shows many galaxies vastly more distant than the Virgo cluster.
  17. Kill them without mercy. Respectfully, I can't believe folks would [removed word]-foot around about such merciless pests. Just remember what are nuisance they are on a summer picnic. Imagine it is your picnic. We were at an outdoor wedding last year and the damn things nearly ruined it. There is nothing nice about them. Kill, kill, kill!
  18. I have installed CCTV around my house and made sure that I have a camera pointed onto my OBS to keep an eye on things (and also to see flips/slews from inside the house on my iPad ). Could this cause an issue with imaging and observing do you think? You can see the lenses on my TEC and FSQ whilst they were imaging so the IR LEDS definitely penetrating into the tubes of the scopes. Whaddayareckon folks?
  19. A Bahtinov mask for a small refractor will work just as well. Or make one.
  20. EDIT: When I am home later I will share one of my stretched subs.
  21. To the OP. I have experienced this too and your picture is almost as if you grabbed one off of my laptop. I think this is down to focus and it being minutely critical at such a sort FL. I also agree, even at high ISO with ten sec exposures and a Bhat mask, it is very tricky to focus. I think this is the problem we both have, not a bad lens. And I am all ears as to how to get the focus right.
  22. Super stuff Drjolo and keep them coming. Amazing work, well done. Your website is great BTW. I have just acquired a CCDT67 for my 14" Meade and will give this a go. Do you use autofocus for your setup?
  23. Nope, I never got to the bottom of this. I appreciate the thoughts but I don't think it can be dust bunnies in motion. I could accept that theory if there were one such bunny but there are lots of these residual ring artefacts that you can see if you look at the last picture I posted. I have not had enough clear sky time to be able to do further testing other than grab five Coma Cluster subs. The only thing I can think of is there maybe could have been a minute rotation of the camera as the scope flipped. I cannot see how, since everything seemed to be tight enough but no other logic can explain these strange artefacts. I have taken everything off - all adapters etc - and tightened everything up. I also cleaned up the sensor window. I will have to use Olly's workaround to preserve this data set. Here is a five minute raw sub after the clean up:
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