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Everything posted by kirkster501

  1. My fiancée’s ears pricked up at the thought of it raining diamonds 😂🙈
  2. I am a big enthusiast of lunar observing, though no expert and I have seen that book before. It is indeed beautiful. However, times move on. What a printed atlas cannot do is mirror and invert left to right the view seen through the EP the way that a digital atlas can. That said, I still use a printed atlas as well sometimes. Google moon is superb.
  3. I am not sure. I will try it. PI does not use graphic card acceleration and is run on the CPU. I know you can get Starnet to use the CUDA on the GC but I am not sure other PI processes can use that.
  4. I have a reasonably modern, fast machine with i7-8700K (12 cores, hyper-threaded) with 32G of fast memory and Samsung EVO 970 and a NVidia 1060 GC. Stacking 150 x 6000x4000 resolution images from my QHY268C camera in PixInsight can take 45 minutes plus.
  5. They are very low down in the UK. Should be higher for you in Florida. P.S. Say hi to Florida for me. Can't wait to go again, if we ever get chance with this Covid thing
  6. With FujiFilm X-T2 and 55-200MM lens (@200mm) on Startracker. ISO 800 and F3.5. 7 Second exposures. Tomorrow - conjunction day - is clouded out.
  7. People think of the Universe as what it looks like from the “outside”, like looking at an expanding ballon, which is fundamentally incorrect. There is no outside and the Big Bang happened everywhere and is expanding everywhere.
  8. Is everything screw fit? If so I do not think you have an issue here on that focuser, like others have said.
  9. Well done. We've had nothing but cloud and full moons since September here in Nott's.
  10. I agree with the original poster. There are things we may not understand for another 1000 years. I also think it’s quite an arrogant assumption to say that the same universal laws apply everywhere, despite current observations. Maybe some do and others don’t. We may find eventually that this is incorrect.
  11. In this online world, I am no longer fully reading the magazine Astronomy Now that I subscribe to, good that it is. I am going to cancel the subscription since, as others have said, I can learn more of what is important to me online at places like SGL. Magazines have lost their relevance to me now, even online ones. I prefer quick snippets of information now.
  12. It is liveable with and in any event, we just have to get on with it the best we can, whatever the skies. Bortle 4-5 where I am. Out your way, Orston etc, it is much better and drops to about 3. I sometimes head out that way to some fields between you and Bottesford for the dark skies if I want to be observing very faint stuff.
  13. Hi Kevin, I'm in Saxondale, just down the road
  14. Very nice. You've over clipped the background though, I imagine to try and get rid of the gradients the moon caused..... Same as in UK, just recently we only seem to get clear nights when The Moon is beating down!
  15. I have this issue too on very bright stars. I need to tinker with the OAG prism. Remember you'll need to refocus the guidecam if you move the distance of the prism.
  16. Yes, a 6" aperture and 3C273 is observable. Done so myself with the Dob. It is quite amazing to think the light has travelled for 2.5billion years prior to it hitting the back of my retina.
  17. 3C273 at 2.5 billion light years is a very easy object to image too. Quite easy to see as well with a reasonable size scope. https://skastro.net/quasar-3c273-in-virgo/ (website in development btw) Back on topic, definitely one for Spring/Summer skies permitting.
  18. It's on my to do list when Ursa Major is a bit higher in the sky in Spring.
  19. Ahh, ok. So if the camera and its compulsory adapter consume 23.5 and also the Canon adapter takes up 10 that I have to make up that 44 -(23.5+10) ? If so that leaves 10.5mm??? I think some OAG can be as thin as that.... Interestingly - same concept with my Samyang 135mm on my Moravian G2-8300, I just used the Moravian Canon adapter and never bothered with any spacers. Field seems quite good except in the extreme corners. I'd had put that down to the lens not being a perfect one. Maybe my spacings aren't correct.
  20. Hi all, Bought a Canon adapter for my QHY268C to connect to my Canon-fit Samyang 135mm. I also have a nice 50mm Sigma Art. Not tried that camera yet on those lenses due to clouds, clouds, clouds (and when they're not there, moon, moon, moon....🙈). What is the effect on a camera lens focusing if other bits such as an OAG are installed between the lens and the sensor - which will obviously push the camera sensor further backwards from the lens' prime focus point...? Never tried this with a camera lens before. Would it focus? Would it change the effective FL ? Thanks, Steve
  21. I was looking for ready made adapters that turns the Fuji mount lenses into a T thread, M56 or something like that. I can’t find anything though.
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