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Mark at Beaufort

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Everything posted by Mark at Beaufort

  1. A great session and enjoyable read. I was hoping to have a session but high cloud ruined the situation.
  2. Brilliant image thanks for sharing.
  3. Hello Paul - my PST is 97155 and I remember getting it in the summer of 2005. I took it to Spain for the Annular Eclipse in October 2005. I also took it to the USA for the Venus Transit in 2012 and many observers remarked that the image was one of the best seen through a PST. That statement went downhill when a member of staff from NASA had a 6" Lunt with binoviewers + TelevVue EPs.
  4. I bought my PST in 2005 and only really noticed the rust a few years later. Since that time the views have not changed in fact I often use a double stack. I did try to get it fixed under warranty but the supplier has ceased trading and my emails were ignored.
  5. Thanks Alexander. Like John I have used Stellarium for many years. It has been brilliant for a visual only astronomer.
  6. Paul that is a great photo of Lunar X. I tried to view the Moon last night - total cloud cover. Your Tecnosky 102ED F7 looks the business- clearly a great purchase.
  7. I use the Interstellarum Desk Edition but I place it in a large plastic box to protect it. When required at the telescope I place it on a large music stand - find the object then return it to the box. I have used this method for years and the star atlas is still okay.
  8. Paul good luck with the observing tonight it's looking positive
  9. Welcome to SGL and I am glad that you had a great first outing. Turn Left at Orion is a great book with so many objects to view. You may find this software useful especially tracking down objects - http://stellarium.org/
  10. I enjoyed the read and I often looked at the adverts of Unitron scopes in the Sky and Telescope magazine. I remember wishing I had an 8.5 inch scope from Charles Frank in Glasgow - too expensive - date in the 1960s. I still fancy a small APO frac to take in the car but the moment I will settle with my Heritage 130P on an alt/az mount.
  11. A bit annoying Paul but at least it did not cause other damage. As you say the roof could have smashed into a car or a house window. I am glad your mount came out okay.
  12. The caps are baader 28mms fine tuning extension rings. These are much cheaper than the TeleVue range.
  13. Its many years since I posted my eyepiece case. I recently bought a Nagler 3-6mm zoom so I thought the photo should be updated. From top left - 24mm ES68, 6mm Ethos, 17mm Celestron Ultima DUO, 20mm Myriad 100 degree Middle far left -9mm Fujiyama Ortho, 10mm Baader Ortho, 6mm Baader Ortho. Middle far right - collection of filters UHC, O-III and H.Beta all marked for easy finding and access Bottom left - Nagler 3-6mm zoom, 10mm Celestron Ultima DUO, 9mm Myriad 100 degree and 13mm Ethos.
  14. Stuart there is a new sunspot just coming onto the north eastern limb. Its forecast to be a relatively large one. I should start checking the sun over the next few days - if the weather allows.
  15. Great photo and Dob. It's great to be able to go galaxy hunting again - no moon or clouds.
  16. I have moved this thread from solar to planetary. David @dweller25I deleted your thread as requested.
  17. Just been observing the sun with my PST and noticed that the sunspot AR2086 has re-energised and has some nice plage. On the South East edge there is a very good Prom - well worth look.
  18. Hello Julian glad to see you offering talks. I chaired the meeting when you gave your zoom talk 'Cold Dark Matter' to Herefordshire Astro Society. Hopefully, Grant will pick up your offer.
  19. I also use a IR/UV filter which I screw into the eyepiece. Not expensive mine is SvBony. Otherwise all the advice above is sound and correct. I mainly use a 6 inch reflector with a commercial solar filter but I add a neutral density filter to slightly darken the image
  20. I have just received my Nagler 3-6 zoom. I had one years ago but sold it on. During the past year I started using Ortho EPs again and enjoy using them but adding a Barlow caused inward focusing problems. So to get some extra mag I bought the nagler zoom. By the way I have been using baader extension rings on my ethos EPs for years without any difficulty.
  21. The advice you have been given is totally correct. If you want a solar finder just Google svbony solar finder they sell for about £17 on eBay. The finder goes in the finder scope bracket and works brilliantly. The only improvement I made was to highlight the dart board screen with a pencil
  22. David that is an interesting list of the various scope you have own and sold and the reasons for doing so.
  23. I agree lovely star atlas and I have both the northern and southern hemisphere. However I still think the interstellarum is better. I never use the Uranometria now.
  24. I have used many quality star atlases over the years. The pocket sky and telescope is very good but I feel to go sky star hopping with my 12inch dob you need to go deeper. The best atlas I have used is the interstellarum which I place on a music stand next to the scope. I should have added I use the desk version which once I have found the object I place the atlas in a large plastic box. I have had this atlas several years and it's still okay.
  25. Glad you bought it. I have a few Moon Atlases going back to Henry Hatfield Lunar Atlas from 1968. IMHO the one you purchased is great especially if you fancy undertaking the Lunar 100 list.
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