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Mark at Beaufort

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Everything posted by Mark at Beaufort

  1. Been observing the Comet just before 6am with the Apollo 15x70 binos. I could detect the tail and it's mag has increased and is the same as M3. Hopefully it will be clear tomorrow so that I can use my 90mm frac.
  2. Stu I did a separate observing report under binoculars. Basically I had both the Comet and M3 in the same fov using my 15x70 Apollo binos. M3 is about 6.4 mag and the Comet is a little fainter 6.8. I certainly could not see it naked eye.
  3. The weather forecast for the coming few days was not looking good for observing the Comet in the early morning. I decided to try and observe the Comet again last night using my Helios Apollo 15x70 which has a FOV of 4 degrees 24'. Started to observe just before 2.30am and initially picked up M3 and then moving slightly upwards saw the Comet. According to Stellarium M3 has a mag of 6.4 approx and comparing the brightness of the Comet it was slightly fainter than the GC. What was pleasing was to get both the Comet and M3 in the same FOV - a nice sight. Unfortunately because the Comet was still fairly low down I could not really see a tail. Decided to use my refractor but as you can guess clouds came over which was the end of the observing session. Anyway at least I observed the Comet again.
  4. The most expensive scope that I bought was an Astro Tech 4" ED frac and so regret selling it. Over the years I always wanted to use a Questar 3.5mm and 3 years ago I had the opportunity to use one on a mountain top next to the Lick Observatory in California. It was great to see Venus but I would never buy one although they look brilliant. Several weeks ago I had the opportunity to be with a number of fellow SGL members. I was able to observe through two different scopes which was so fantastic I now want both. First off was a StellaLyra 16" Dob and the view of the Witches Broom using a 31mm Nagler and an Astronomik O-111 filter will not leave me. Secondly Stu let me view the Sun through his Tak 4" with a Baader HW and a Leica zoom - the detail in the sunspots and the surface detail I have not experienced before and my Astro Tech was very good but not to this standard. What John stated above it would be great to compare the Altair Starwave 102ED-R , Tak FC100-DF. and the new FLO's Starfield ED102 side by side.
  5. Peter I was really hoping that someone would produce an image of this event. The Whale and Hockey Stick are one of my favourite DSOs and you have done an excellent job.
  6. This was my observing session thread from yesterday - I believe that once the Moon is out of way we should get a good view of this comet. That is assuming we might get a clear spell.
  7. Steve I viewed it this morning using a 6" and 8" Newt. At the end of the session I used a Celestron 12x70 binos and just picked it up. The Moon was still bright so hopefully will have another go using the Apollo 15 x70 binos - hopefully this time seeing a bit of tail.
  8. Hello and welcome to SGL. Sorry but I don't have any photos. I look at two different website - one for white light and the other for Ha. Here is the websites that I use although there are others. https://spaceweather.com/ and https://gong2.nso.edu/products/tableView/table.php?configFile=configs/hAlpha.cfg
  9. The weather prospects for the next week is not looking too good and with the Comet moving South I wanted to observe it whilst I had a clear night. I set up my Skywatcher 150P on my Alt/Az mount and set the alarm for 4am. I was using a RDF + my Altair 60mm finderscope and the main EPs were the 20mm Myraid 100 degree, 13mm Ethos and 9mm Myraid. I decided to star hop from the close stars HR4783 and HR4784 and move south going past the Whale Galaxy. The Stellarium sofware was spot on and I could easily see the Comet. Unfortunately the Moon was still bright and I could not detect the tail. Decided to test out the 8" Newt which had been donated to the Astro Society. I had to use my 1.25" EPs - 24mm ES68 and Celestron 10mm Ultima and again the view was quite easy but no tail. Because the Comet is close to M3 on the 3rd December I checked out this GC to make sure it had cleared my roof top. Finally I used my Celestron 12x70 binos and I was just able to detect the Comet although it was not easy. Let us hope we get some clear skies when the Moon is out of the way.
  10. Michael as you know I have the SvBony solar finder. I improved the target area by filling in the circle lines with a leaded pencil - makes it easier to see.
  11. Yes Paul just be observing with the PST+DS. The two Proms on the SE side are really worth a look. The long filament is really sharp using the Double Stack. A bit of Plage around AR 2896 and 2897 but too much.
  12. That is a great image and proves that the faint dot I observed was the comet. So thanks for the image.
  13. Yes I went looking for the comet early this morning using my Apollo 15x70 binos. Found the area but the Moon made it very difficult to see anything. Anyway I picked up a faint dot which was in the correct position for the Comet but to be honest I cannot be certain.
  14. I thought about this because I have used an enjoyed so many scopes and accessories. I think buying a 10" flex Dob made me enjoy seeking out DSOs which was improved by a 80mm finderscope. Then getting the Uranometria star atlas which allowed me to find so many DSOs Finally being involved with SGL and getting to meet so many other members and picking up so much information.
  15. Brilliant Francis. Hope one day I will see it. I recently tried out the new 16" Stellalyra Dob and the view of the Veil Nebulae using an astronomik O-111 filter and a 31mm Nagler was incredible. Your Dob will be so brilliant at a dark site.
  16. Agnes hopefully Steve Tonkin @BinocularSky will see it and advise.
  17. Nice one Paul. I got up but that part of the sky was cloudy. I told my Son about it as he lives just outside San Francisco - I am waited to be told whether he stayed up to observe it. It would be nice if he took a photo.
  18. It looks great Michael. Hopefully the Sun will come out to test the scope with the Herschel wedge. Then if it stays clear you have Venus,Saturn and Jupiter. I regret selling my Astro Tech 4" ED and although I have the Svbony 90mm (which you have seen) it's not the same. I really fancy this new Starfield frac so I am looking forward to your opinion in due course.
  19. Just been observing the Sun with the PST. There is an interesting arching Prom on the SE side with a filament that appears to be attached
  20. I have flocked several scopes the most difficult being my 12" Dob. I removed the primary mirror cell and the secondary mirror. I did the cross method and cut the strips into 3 sections to avoid getting too many bubbles. As stated the 12" Dob was most difficult because my arms were only just long enough to get to the middle section. I think it made a difference so happy I did it.
  21. Wonderful photos Nicola. I have always wanted to visit Birr Castle and this thread has convinced me that I must do it sometime.
  22. Well done FLO the perfect telescope for Planet, double stars and solar (with appropriate filter protection). Not too bad on the brighter DSOs as well - excellent addition to your stocked range. Sorry forgot Astro imaging.
  23. I recently went on holiday and wanted to purchase a small refractor which I could use for astronomy and general terrestrial viewing. I bought this scope - https://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/284334028570?epid=9037411843&_trkparms=ispr%3D1&hash=item4233a0f71a:g:MLQAAOSwwrlctHO2&amdata=enc%3AAQAGAAACoPYe5NmHp%2B2JMhMi7yxGiTJkPrKr5t53CooMSQt2orsSwcmzw5CLtzTE60FqHcnq2J0zUmY9eHB%2FTPvqPO%2B933rKaBovkDcU3j6CQaYZA9ioqe%2FS0OtseGb3KCCzkqoTBi%2FKy3Xgoo5GT3ZDnQNhEx3w%2B2PKJbFGXTKO0DYCgir7RfBGPr9urkYBB05Cj3fM0YxVB0g0ZEOy6D%2B%2FGDkjJwYpc0nyOeTF3sXa4QzvkNZ1KVdn50szOgWEGVP67bv7Pmi271k4S4LddH58iKgF5762s9Qgaxe7B7GGkXEgt1Pf9WBLSBMXM5kOVJEjng7z5lD5Vj00IYAN%2Bq4fZsGSKvLiYyL70ORVgRB16rd7EGR9U11ajIVFX%2FRbJ0lgmWXPH5LGmOEZ9X0kwspmxLgqNX54SvG3kByPJ7kdHqJzUTBw5S4M0RPVqQzIXoSh3gaUrsxK8wBnDjSud1zVTLon2jr%2Fp5D%2BEIqpd62y8sbtBSS8j3AO5AFPH2nJdUjCgW%2BOO2N9LYWGXcXT72bwg8WVnVnB%2FBXUkmSaDpryYQZ4yCD8Gif6CtQYq0EEkeZHJsj5no%2FusCTMRVD0g6tEI0zrGU3zoMSu3DVjMIv3K4wj7O%2F2%2FyFujDePr2ZlBL3WX4sL8DuHWlsTFbVke%2FawOypqCvKqNhVzWqG4cIBr%2BwqhDt1ZB6K39%2BOKSDzXYC7xW5Rwo2l0SLbkHDXL221Yv%2B96KtmsVw%2FmjRB3eK02iGT1VhyHlJP%2BaSmjDfgSDI5%2BxkAeRZmp%2B0Vp5Dw8N9Eu90OSYeQN7AgXAn9fHxUth2HXdvcwMJC0k5Rg8AxHx5U0rDOlt9uPo%2F7CWBNz5RyN86h3vcNfTJ51flD5nM5HIzX4%2BzFbLqQ%2F4jy8xy05c1uaR%2F%2Bzuw%3D%3D|clp%3A2334524|tkp%3ABFBMnon1kaFf In addition I purchased this diagonal from FLO -https://www.firstlightoptics.com/diagonals/stellamira-125-90-erecting-prism-diagonal.html I am really pleased with this scope - it has very little CA and the double speed focuser is very good. I also purchased a Svbony 7-21mm zoom which is very lightweight but provides a good image. Whilst away I had some good observing sessions picking up a number of DSOs. More recently I purchased a white light solar filter and a Baader continuum filter and have had many good sessions observing the Sun. Okay I have a number of good and reasonable large scopes and some quality eyepieces but I am really pleased I bought this small refractor which is brilliant for quick grab and go.
  24. Paul the Sun was good this morning in Ha - nice sketch. I like the mount it looks ideal for the PST.
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