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Status Updates posted by Charon

  1. 84'f here today, snow already melting on mountains, weather has gone crazy.

  2. Proud owner of a canon EF 500mm f4 IS L II USM happy days indeed.

    1. faulksy


      nice one derek, and happy new year mate

    2. Psychobilly
    3. wxsatuser


      Expect to see some nice pics coming soon, HNY

  3. Now have man flu!!!! :(

  4. Winter has finally arrived.

  5. Too hot.

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. Charon


      Its now raining here Tzitzis but still warm and humid.

    3. Gutross


      hot? ha last week it would not dip below 100 degrees till 1-2 am now thats hot, and it was humid 25-60%

    4. Gutross


      though i did mow the laen at sundown and it was still 105

  6. Cicadas are extra noisy today.

    1. Tzitzis


      Hahaha, you are in southern Greece my friend..! They won't stop until midnight xD

    2. MattJenko


      I have just come back to the UK form Crete. Do they go all year round?

  7. Storm clouds approaching!!

    1. Tzitzis


      Clouds, Clouds, Clouds...

    2. Gutross


      same here

      only had one good night during my vacation. atliest i was able to see venus and jupiter in the same view once

  8. 6.1 earthquake, rock and roll house.

    1. Psychobilly


      looks like you have had a few aftershocks as well...


    2. alan potts

      alan potts

      Hope all is OK I know where you are you do get a few but 6.1 is not tiny

  9. Rain, thunderstorms, rain, thunderstorms-more rain.

    1. ronin


      Is it not a bit welcome in Crete? Would have thought that the occasional downpour would have actually been a welcome occurrance.

    2. Charon


      I emptied a swimming pool for a friend two months ago, the pool is almost full, I think we have had enough rain.

  10. Sunshine at last.

  11. Snow, hail, rain, galeforce winds-happy days!! oh yes and the occasional sand storms?

    1. faulksy


      sounds like here derek, at least you have the summer around the corner , we have got 8 months of autumn on the way then back to winter

  12. 41 degrees C here today!!

  13. Earthquakes galore yesterday and today

    1. tingting44


      where abouts?

    2. faulksy


      its crete, what a nightmare derek, hope theres no damage to your house

    3. Charon


      Few lumps broken off, this is not good.

  14. Another sand storm

  15. Disastrous first outing with Canon 100-400mm lens

    1. faulksy


      what happened derek ?

    2. tingting44


      ditto! what happened :(

  16. First sand storm of the year YUK!!!!

  17. Sun at last, free hot water.

  18. Scorpion in the house eek!!

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Mav359


      Can you use a fly spray on a scorpion?

    3. Myopicus


      Hit it with a shovel. They're not rare.

    4. Charon


      Dust pan job, I do not kill anything.

  19. Panoptic added to my collection

  20. At last I have a 13mm Ethos.

  21. Rain at last

    1. faulksy


      wow your lucky derek, we have nothing but rain here, but you no that

    2. Charon


      Been a drought here Mike we needed it badly.

  22. 26c -and I am stacking 4 tons of firewood?

    1. emadmoussa


      Med humidity..huh?

  23. Mag 6 earthquake here!!

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. JB80


      Hope all is OK over there. I just read this report.

      "A local newspaper reported that a man received a minor injury when he panicked and jumped off a first-floor balcony, landing on a car."

    3. Charon


      Epi centre about 120 miles away from me. Apart from a few cracks house is fine thanks.

    4. Pig
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