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Everything posted by dweller25

  1. hmmmmmm The 120mm should win as it is FPL53 and has more resolution ? The 100mm may will win as it's a Tak ??
  2. In my opinion the Tak focusers are the weakest link of the telescope My FS128 focuser literally wore out - the pinion wore through the cast housing!! but it is 20 years old and gets a lot of use. I replaced it with a full feather touch focuser which is really superb. My TSA102 focuser compared to the feather touch feels very basic and I cannot get the right feel from it. It is either nice and smooth but with image shift or hard to turn with no image shift. Very frustrating I think the micro focuser DRT bought is a good compromise
  3. Looks like a revelation Ultrafocus but in "different" colours.
  4. @DRT Thats a well sorted telescope, I am considering the Feathertouch micro-pinion for my TSA102 instead of a full replacement Feathertouch focuser. Thanks for posting the great images.
  5. My Celestron C6 SCT almost matches the planetary views through my 4” Takahashi APO, the APO Views are just a little sharper with more contrast. The APO views are also more stable than in the SCT My 7” Intes Micro Maksutov gives overall slightly better planetary views than my 5” Takahashi APO but again the views are sharper and more stable in the APO In my opinion folded telescope designs can give very good results and offer excellent value for money, for me the shorter tube length is more enjoyable to use than with an APO Refractors do give a very sharp, tight view that is less affected by atmospheric instability than with a scope with a central obstruction
  6. To give you peace of mind I have purchased a lot of Astro gear from FLO and received excellent service. I only ever had one issue which FLO dealt with to my complete satisfaction. Es Reid cleaned, collimated and star tested my 5” Takahashi - I was delighted with the results and his professional approach HTH
  7. Some really nice Vixen kit on this thread I have never owned a Vixen refractor but I got close, I was considering a 102mm FL from the 1986 Astro Systems (Luton) catalogue. I ended up with one of their 8.5 inch Newts instead.
  8. A Vixen GP-DX EQ mount...... A Vixen GP EQ mount My first scope on a Vixen Super Polaris EQ mount
  9. I always thought - and I could be wrong that the mount will disperse the weight of your scope, with some of it going to the bolts. If you try to adjust the altitude under load the bolts will have to adjust the full weight and will be at risk of damage. Thats why I never adjust my mounts loaded.
  10. Hello Dave, Just checked and my FS128 was made in 1997 - 20 years old and still going strong Generally I use mine for the planets, typical observing powers are : Jupiter : x148 to x225 Saturn : x173 to x235 Mars : x238 to x297 HTH
  11. Hello Dave, Only just found this thread.... Welcome to the FS128 club MIne was made a year before yours and has given me 9 years of great views. I have replaced the original focuser with a Feathertouch which is a perfect match for the quality of the OTA. Have fun with it - and never sell it. Here is mine in action......
  12. Just thought I would get everyone ready for Winter
  13. Because the ED100 was easier to cool and could keep up with dropping temperatures through the night it gave sharper and more stable images quicker than the 127 Mak. The clear aperture of the 127 Mak is actually 120mm, which means the 46mm secondary gives a 38% obstruction - this reduces planetary contrast to about the same as a 2.9" refractor, so a 100ED will have more contrast - vital on the planets IMO. I have also compared the ED100 to my Takahashi TSA102. The ED100 gave embarrassingly close planetary views to the TSA102 !!!! In my opinion the ED100 is superb value for money.
  14. I've had both the scopes you mention. The 100ED was the better of the two scopes on all the objects you mention and cooled down quicker than the Skymax 127.
  15. How about sending the mirror to Orion Optics, asking them to re-figure it to 1/8th wave and then have them resilver and recoat it ?
  16. Very nice APM152 Adam - that scope is on my wishlist.......
  17. Mak attack !! Orion Optics OMC200 Intes Micro 715 Skywatcher 127
  18. There's a 1/10th wave Orion Optics 10" dob on ukastrobuysell at the moment..... I have no affiliation with the seller
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