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Everything posted by dweller25

  1. Sounds like it may be a lemon Michael - I have had two in the past 😦 Fortunately you bought from FLO who will sort it out πŸ‘
  2. The reason I always buy from and point people towards @FLO πŸ‘
  3. Nice setup @Commanderfish πŸ‘ Here is my FC100DZ with it’s More Blue rings and dovetail setup and Amazon no name handle.....
  4. 1. Try wrapping it with two layers of reflectix from B&Q or 2. Buy a 4” refractor πŸ™‚
  5. Has the radiation from your fluor-escent lenses made you all go weird ? πŸ€ͺ
  6. Looking forward to how the Morpheus compares to the Leica Zoom.....
  7. I want to make it very clear that I was definitely joking about putting a handle on two clamshells...... Not sure about Gerry though πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚
  8. You can fit a handle between those two clamshells πŸ‘ πŸ˜‚
  9. That’s just not right John πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚
  10. I know you read my post @JeremyS and am amazed at your restraint πŸ˜‚
  11. The Tak clamshell is great but you cannot add a carry handle. I must admit over the winter in slippy conditions to being a bit nervous about my own safety when wrapping my arms around the DZ when carrying it out and back in. I like the look of the silver tube rings so think I will get a set and add a handle - always feel better when mounting and carrying the scope with a handle πŸ‘
  12. You are a brave man balancing the 60 on the edge of the table 😱
  13. Here’s an interesting shootout..... https://www.cloudynights.com/articles/cat/user-reviews/telescopes/120mm-130mm-refractors/meade-127mm-ed-doublet-vs-tak-fs128-vs-ap-130-edt-f8-the-good-the-bad-and-the-ugly-r495
  14. That’s a nice scope - congrats
  15. The EQ5 is a clone of my Vixen GP which is rated at 7kgs which I have found in the real world at high powers to be correct. I would not put a 9kg scope on my Vixen GP. The contrast transfer of the C8 (primary:203mm - secondary:68mm) is 135mm, so in terms of contrast and resolution it will outperform your TAL 100RS. Here is a review of the latest model C8 ....... http://www.scopeviews.co.uk/CelestronC8XLT.htm As I mentioned earlier reflectix wrapping really helps thermal management. Hope that helps.
  16. Hello @IDM If you are keeping the EQ5 then a C8 is the biggest aperture you can use on it. I had a C8 some years ago and found it to be very good on the planets - however cooldown and dew can be an issue - but if you wrap the scope with two layers of reflectix from B&Q those issues are massively overcome. The new Classical Cassegrains are nice too but are heavy for their size - the CC6 weighs almost the same as the C8 and I have read that they may not work at full aperture..... https://www.cloudynights.com/articles/cat/user-reviews/telescopes/gso-8-inch-true-cassegrain-r3215 I owned a CC6 and it did not quite match the planetary views of my 4” refractor. Alternatively I would suggest a 120mm ED refractor but you you would need a bigger mount.
  17. Good choice πŸ‘ I would have one in a flash, but my back says no πŸ˜•
  18. Don’t want to hijack the OP’s thread, but you may want to ask @johninderby about this.... https://www.teleskop-express.de/shop/product_info.php/info/p10133_TS-Optics-Doublet-SD-APO-125mm-f-7-8---FPL-53---Lanthan-objective.html Or this.... https://www.teleskop-express.de/shop/product_info.php/info/p4688_TS-Optics-Optics-120-mm-f-7-5-FPL53-Apo-Refractor-with-3--Focuser.html
  19. For the planets you need good seeing, good aperture, good optics and good cool down as you will be at fairly high magnifications. Sadly there is nothing you can do about the seeing. Having tried many scope designs over the years there are two that to me stand out as the most suitable. 1. 8” F/6 Newtonian - not too heavy, rear fan to quickly cool the optics, cost effective, no dewing up, good resolution. 2. 120mm refractor doublet, fairly light, quick to cool, relatively expensive, will need an extra dew shield, pin sharp. Hope that helps.
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