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Everything posted by dweller25

  1. If you are happy with the stability of the 120 achromat at FL=1000mm then the 120 ED at FL=900mm may be very slightly better on the EQ5. I think the 120ED is a brilliant all rounder 👍
  2. This may be worth considering….. http://apm-telescopes-englisch.shopgate.com/item/333634303937 But it would not fit with your naming pattern 😄
  3. Cassie Celestron 5" Newtonian - Cassie- grain ? Celeste Celestron 8" Evolution - Celeste- ron ? Cubble Celestron CPC1100 - Celesteron- Hubble ? 😂
  4. This thread is lasting longer than an APO v SCT argument on Cloudynights 🤪😱😂
  5. Take a look at the photo of the side of the secondary on the celestron webpage… https://www.celestron.com/pages/fastar-technology It’s perfect - yours should be just as Celestron advertise in the photo.
  6. It may affect resale value as a buyer could be as concerned as you are. If you feel uncomfortable about it I would suggest asking for a replacement.
  7. That’s exactly the reason I had to sell my 10” Dob too 😕
  8. I have had three Celestron SCT’s and none of the secondary mirrors showed signs of edge unevenness like yours.
  9. As long as the mirror surface is not affected I don’t think it will be an issue - does not look nice though.
  10. Good as the Newt was I sold it to keep the FS128, KEEP being the operative word 😁
  11. Just to upset all you refractophiles……. My Skywatcher 10” Newtonian gave way better planetary views than my FS128 😱
  12. No Gerry, the ED100 was very good but I should clarify that with increasing powers over x200 the performance gap increased in the Taks favour.
  13. Buy a dew shield for certain. Perhaps a decent zoom too I put two layers of reflectix from B&Q around my SCT to thermally equalise it in the winter. Check and adjust collimation
  14. The honest answer to this question is …. Yes I directly compared my TSA102 to my SW 100ED, the Tak was a little sharper and had more contrast - perhaps 5 to 10% better.
  15. Hello @pointedstick and welcome to SGL. There are two basic methods of viewing. 1. Manually find an object, point the scope at it and push the scope to track it - requires learning where objects are. 2. GOTO computerisation - requires you to learn the supplied manual then align the scope and calibrate it’s position using 2 or 3 stars. The scope will then track automatically. Either way there is a learning curve that cannot be avoided. As mentioned above, it may be better to wait until covid allows you to visit your local astronomy club to check out what your dad prefers. If you cannot wait the 6SE would be a very good, lightweight all rounder.
  16. Poly Mars - it’s a smoothing out function for the position of Mars. The 6mm Ortho would be very sharp but has short eye relief and a narrow field of view.
  17. Hello @Pitch Black Skies and welcome to SGL. You might want to consider the 6.5mm Baader Morpheus giving x185 in your Dobsonian for when Jupiter and Saturn are higher in the sky, it has a nice wide field of view - so less nudging at high powers. https://www.firstlightoptics.com/baader-planetarium/baader-morpheus-76-degree-wide-field-eyepieces.html Here is the excellent planetary position chart by @Stu
  18. I have 3 Taks and the honest answer to your question is ........ no But maybe you asked the wrong question 😂
  19. Sounds like it may be a lemon Michael - I have had two in the past 😦 Fortunately you bought from FLO who will sort it out 👍
  20. The reason I always buy from and point people towards @FLO 👍
  21. Nice setup @Commanderfish 👍 Here is my FC100DZ with it’s More Blue rings and dovetail setup and Amazon no name handle.....
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