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Tibbs Blog

27th February 2011 Luckily a clear night, managed to spot Saturn this morning @04:56 in the south. Using a 20mm lens and my webcam again, I had a shot at getting an image. Although the image was clear using the lens and my eye, the Webcam wasn't so good.



Tibbs Blog

24th January 2011 Chuffed tonight, really clear night, managed to spot Jupiter tonight in the south. Using my trusty webcam I had a go at getting an image. I think I also caught some of Jupiters moons aswell.



Tibbs Blog

21st January 2011 After checking some videos on the sky at night website, I decided to see if I could find the double stars Mizar & Alcor in Ursa Major (The big dipper). To my surprise, I did manage to locate the two stars, which are supposedly caught in each others gravitational pull. I must admit I am amazed to think the two stars I was looking at are actually caught in a tug of war with each other. I also watched a video tonight that explains that each star is also a separate binary syste



Tibbs Blog

16th January 2011 I Managed to get out about 9pm tonight as the weather cleared. Finally, I was able to focus the Telescope on The Moon. I was really surprised at the detail I could see. e.g. Craters Impact etc. I managed to tape the 20mm lens to my webcam. After a bit of time adjusting the webcam settings, I managed to filter out the suns relection on the Moons surface. Unfortunately, the Webcam doesn't show the detail you can see through the eyepiece, but a great result for my second night.



Tibbs Blog

15th January 2011 Telescope setup and alignment Using the instruction manual, I setup up the Telescope. I also found videos on "YouTube" to aid me in balancing and aligning the Telescope. I found these videos invaluable, as the instructions with the Telescope can get a bit complicated for the beginner. I had a play around with the Telescope the first night for a few hours, but had issues finding celestrial objects. I realised the problem was with the finder scope. I've aligned this today, with



Tibbs Blog

14th January 2011 I've been thinking about it for a while now and have finally decided to jump in to Astronomy Feet first. I've spent hours reading reviews for the last two weeks to try to decide which telescope to purchase. I finally decided on a Celestron Powerseeker 127EQ. The reviews seemed pretty positive, and Celestron seems to have a good reputation for beginner Telescopes. I suppose this seems to be quite a large scope to purchase for a beginner, but after reading all the reviews, I g



playing with the goto video

hi all me and elisha was out play in with the dobson and 90mm goto and cannon 300d it was fun and games but my daughter loves the moon she is more excited than me she was try in to name the carters and had a go with the web cam we put this 5 min video together this morning from about 20 mins worth and a play in registaxs sh takes the vids to school and they play them in her sience class and she feel great talk in about it and the teacher always comments that its good for here take a look if ya



Back in Business

At last everything is back up and running. It all started in late December as i was packing my kit away, to cut a long story short, i dropped my laptop, and the worst case scenario, it killed the hard drive. I lost everything, just over 200 images, mainly Galaxies, at least there were no Supernova's, i'd already checked that the night before. I was more upset because i lost the baseline images, the one's i use to check for Supernova's along with other stuff. It was back to visual for a while,

Si W

Si W

F5 fast scope to slow scope?

Hi all, here`s a ponder for you all, i have been collimating my scope a heritage 130p , now this is a fast scope, i have collimated it and now it is slow scope? the mirror are not offset has described in Astro Babys guide at the end of the article, so the question is will the mirrors align offset anyway when collimated, ie because of short tube scope . Or is it i have done it wrong? i have done the star test and it looks ok to me, but.... the images just could be a tad sharper? yours paul.

mr saddo

mr saddo

With Eyes ANEW!

Sunday, March 6th / 2011 My eyes were not strong enough (recent MS relapse) to make out any Messier objects when I went outside with my telescope but this didn't bother me very much. I was simply ecstatic that I could see how beautiful the moon was that night. There will be other times to chase galaxies, nebula, and star clusters. Sometimes, one has to relish with the simplest, with eyes anew. I love the first picture I captured with the earthshine!First picture taken "as is



First Telescope - about damn time!

Hello, I'm very new to this hobby, I just recently bought a 150pl from first light optics and the delivery was quick and I'm well happy with the scope, still learning how to use it. I've seen jupiter low in the sky but saturn looks very good, even with low mag, i would recommend this scope to any newcomer, its easy to use with standard eq3-2 mount and it does come with tripod. A good purchase.



What went wrong

hi every one well a awake this morning to the neighbour knocking on the door with a smirk on is face and he said come round the back ?.when a got there the green house a converted to the obs was on is garden.it was very windy last night and it blew it on is garden i did secure it down ,but not good enough with the looks of thingsi took a few pics and today will have to get the drill and screws out she will rise again am sure just checked last nights winds and we had 45 mph gusts what a pain pic



Laser pointers

(You can skip down to the 2nd paragraph if you want to) I'm getting a Celestron 20x80 giant binoculars, with a tripod. I know that with high power binoculars/telescopes, it gets harder and harder to locate a star, cluster, galaxy, nebula, etc. because your field of view declines with higher mag. each time. However, I had once seen someone use a laser so strong you could literally see the ray of light, and I had an idea to align them with my 20x binos so that I could aim it at a celestial object



The greeservatory

Hi all,well spent most of the day out side in the sun ,and i finished the green house i filled the sides in with clear solid platic .then covered the lot in black plastic the stuff builders use for damp proofing. its really tough stuff and it does not look half bad ive left the top opend with roll down black plastic and can close one side and open the other,a will get a few pics up soon,the shed a was gonna use was wrecked by my first atemtp and as made a large bag of pot ash for the garden.and



Help required for Meade 16" Reflector

Hi, Looking for anyone that knows of a possible repair company that will repair this old Meade reflector telescope. All is in order apart from a mirror that has succumb to a bit of age weathering. The mirror is 16" so its rather on the large side. Just wandering whether any of you guys could help direct me to a suitable company that may perform such a repair, or able to supply similar mirror. Also at approx 32kgs would an EQ6 hold this weight? Thankyou



My CCD Journey : 2

Well, I put further testing on hold for a few days as I was involved in another project. However, got out on Friday (04/03/11) with the 102. Even with the focus tube fully extended, Sirius would not come to focus. Solution: a T2 extension ring from FLO fitted between the scope and the camera. Going to go for the biggest (40mm). Even with the filter wheel fitted (when I get round to that bit) the total increased distance will be less than the range of the focusser, so I should get maximum flexibi



A night at the observatory

Unfortunately, due to an MS relapse, I have been unable to view the night sky for the whole week. I am very optimistic that some change in my eyesight will be seen in the following days. Many of you have written about your encounters with Saturn for the past weeks. I have been waiting for my chance. It will come,.. It will come. This being said, I have found myself reminiscing of my previous encounters with our "popular ringed one". This brings to mind a night I will never forget:



Baader (multi purpose) Coma Corrector

Just wanted to post some information on using the Baader (multi purpose) Coma Corrector on my F4 Astro-Tech 8" Newtonian. I've been hearing (from telescope dealers themselves) that some coma correctors do a very poor job of correcting coma in fast Newtonians. Some also increse the focal length and therefore the F Number. For those of us that don't guide, the F Number is king. I don't want to lose the edge that F4 gives me. For this reason I chose the Baader Coma Corrector, as it specifically s



Help choosing first telescope

Hi all, I would really appreciate any advise. I am recently taking up astronomy, so i am a beginner, a complete novice :iamwithstupid: I havent yet got a telescope and I am hoping to buy one very soon. I would like advice on a decent telescope to buy and maybe why you suggest that particular one and any accessories you reccommend. I have a budget of upto £300 (not much i know) but would really like to see as much as possible. Any advice will be appreciated. Many thanks



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