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Back in Business

Si W


At last everything is back up and running. It all started in late December as i was packing my kit away, to cut a long story short, i dropped my laptop, and the worst case scenario, it killed the hard drive.

I lost everything, just over 200 images, mainly Galaxies, at least there were no Supernova's, i'd already checked that the night before. I was more upset because i lost the baseline images, the one's i use to check for Supernova's along with other stuff.

It was back to visual for a while, with no laptop i couldn't use the DSI or Atik, no guiding or tracking software. Well visual it was, i couldn't remember the last time i looked through an eyepiece, unless i was aligning at the start of the evening. I was quite amazed what i had been missing, from now on i've promised myself at least one visual session in 5.

At the end of February i got myself one of them 10.1 inch netbooks, this time Windows XP, my old laptop was Vista and a nightmare when it came to the software bugs and freezing up, especially on Envisage the DSI software that i use for tracking/autoguiding.

Well everything is installed on the XP netbook and tested, Autostar suit, Envisage for the Meade, Artemis and Dawn for the Atik, also not forgetting stellarium of cause, just need a clear night to get thing back on track, at least it's spring and the start of galaxy season, so it's a race to get my baseline images back, i'm going to check the first images against Deep Sky Survey, but everything after that will be saved on a backup drive.

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The technology we have now is really easy to depend on until,.. it is taken away! I'm so sorry that you have lost so much. It feels like a part of yourself gone isn't it?

I wish you clear skies and the bast of luck on your race in retrieving all the galaxies you lost!


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