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saturn the last time

hi was looking at some old videoe footage i have never got satuen the same since this night still a great sight http://www.youtube.com/user/todd8137




hi everyone firstly been having a look round the site and seems brilliant i very new to astrononomy and my experience is no bigger than over the last few years watching documentaries and the odd episode of the sky at night and old clips on youtube i have recently been interested in buying a telescope but after reading your comments it seems best to have a good understanding before rushing out and buying one, i was looking at ones with gotos and that sort of stuff but have decided to do things t



Observing report 2 Part 1 - Saturn 22-4-11

So my Skyliner 200p had finally arrived, and after assembling and modding bits to it during shoddy weather, it got is first light last night. What a night it was! I checked the collimation before packing all my kit up into my car. I wasn’t going to waste a night of good seeing with my new scope, stuck in a garden filled with light pollution. I drove 15 mins to my local site, with my dad clutching onto a wooden stool and a rug. We have been trying to find a seat higher as with objects at the ze




April 25th, 2011 It was -16°C (3.2 ºF) outside so I knew that I didn't have to worry about frostbite. I was also well aware that the weather station was predicting rain for the rest of the week and I was leaving on vacation on Friday. Yeah,.. It was to be my last time outside with my telescope for a good three weeks. I didn't even think twice about it. Even if I had classes to teach the very next morning, even if I knew that it would take some time for darkness to fall,.. I b




April 25th, 2011 It was -16°C (3.2 ºF) outside so I knew that I didn't have to worry about frostbite. I was also well aware that the weather station was predicting rain for the rest of the week and I was leaving on vacation on Friday. Yeah,.. It was to be my last time outside with my telescope for a good three weeks. I didn't even think twice about it. Even if I had classes to teach the very next morning, even if I knew that it would take some time for darkness to fall,.. I brought



What will the neighbours think?

Seeing has my wife likes to go to bed early! 9pm watch telly etc, i took the binoe`s up so i could see ISS coming over last night at 9.28, i was sat in bathroom with window wide open waiting with the sky masters binoe`s. must have looked a right perv hanging out there, ISS was good, low in sky very bright, wish i had scope out it was travelling quite slow, i reckon i could have tracked it with the heritage dob, for a bit more detail.

mr saddo

mr saddo

My CCD Journey : 4

Well it has been a while. Partly this is due to other new equipment that I have been 'getting to grips with'. Partly it is due to the frustration I was beginning to feel with the ccd and the seeming impossibility of me ever getting anything half-way decent. Anyway, I decided that last night would be an opportunity to have another go. Used the 6SE, as I wanted to image NGC 3242 (the ghost of Jupiter) before it completely disappears into the twilight for another year. Nice and bright, so thoug



Saturn 25 26 april

:clouds1:hi all got a few snaps of saturn ,the wind wad +12mph the 12 dob with dew shield,was here there and every were video was not on at all.so got the d10 and colred filters ,that wa even worse,so back to the web cami found away with 3 large crocodile clips with a bit of old push bike in a tube to clamp the base that worked out ok`ish any way to tired to upload all pics a will try one if a have no joy then will do later did any view tonight between 22:45/00"45 has all moons were on sjow and



iss? no! its a chinese lantern!!

went out for a look at ISS last night coming over at 9.04 for 5 mins so the NASA website said, had my 17x80 bins out what i thought was ISS, blumming Chinese lantern!! DOH, anyway did manage to get the correct object now heading east, very bright and in low orbit. Had a quick peek at Saturn with my scope out, now heading in to south, not much out at 9.30pm. Was hoping for the Lyrids but looks like i have missed them yet again, been cloudy here in York most nights, and foggy haze in early hours.

mr saddo

mr saddo

Viewing - Sun 24th Apr 11

Did not get out last night, too tired after a day with the outlaws, also old bones are giving out :( . Today I decided, a lovely day, done a bit of solar, just a couple of shots and a bit of play with them, here is what I am keeping: Will now keep myself in readiness for this evening, hoping for a clear night :). The evening went well, of course the ISS was part of it, nice and bright, tried to photograph it but a complete failure, too fast on the shutter. I have now put a warning label at the

The Sailor

The Sailor

Observing Report 1. - 06.04.11

Hey all, So while waiting for my Skyliner 200p to arrive after it’s many, many delays, I could see a good patch of clear skies coming my way – typical I thought. After feeling that I had outgrown them, I decided to try out my Revelation binoculars for another go and wow, just wow! I had completely forgotten how great these 15x70’s are. When I started zooming around the heavens, the giant field of view and really easy to use camcorder tripod made finding and looking at targets an absolut



My first proper 'Star Party' - 29.03.11

Hey all, I thought I should finally get around to writing about the adventures of my observing parties so far. I have been observing for a long time since I was young right up to now where my dad and me still regularly go out together. But recently when he cannot come, I take the opportunity to invite my friends along instead, and what an adventure it is now turning into! __________ My first session was at my local site with a good friend of mine and his girlfriend. He has a Meade SCG of ab



My best night ever - 11.01.11

Well what I story I have. I decided to visit my local (quite well known) observatory for the Stargazing live event they were holding with the local club. I showed up with my kit but a presentation had begun early so I decided to leave my stuff in the car. The presentation was great, with very down to Earth explanations to many objects within this beautifully clear night sky. Quite a few members of the public turned up and then left in due course as their ill prepared clothes didn't keep t



Viewing - Fri 22th Apr 11

The evening started with a rerun of the previous night, an alignment from the idiots guide. I decided on this course of action to see what was going wrong, needless to say it was again a disaster and by 2330 hrs I decided to return to the old way of point, polar align and 3 star align, straight away I seen results in the handling. I put Saturn in the frame and left it for 30 min and it was still there when I came back. During the day I had a play with a remote timer and had set it up for the eve

The Sailor

The Sailor

Red letter day! Best session so far... (Beginner)

Just returned inside from a 3 hour window in clouds after a welcome flash monsoon and thunderstorm cleared all the rubbish out of the sky that has been hanging around for a couple of weeks. What a difference from past nights. This is the fourth time I have used my own telescope and everything seemed to go well. As a complete, first scope, novice I have suffered from dust clouds, bad atmosphere, security lights, bad collimation, poorly aligned finder, limited EPs and limited viewable sky from my



saturn 1st

well here's my first go at imaging saturn,it's not hubble standard but highly satisfying that i've taken an image of a live planet id only ever seen tv or seen in a book.any advice on improvement's greatly appreciated



Viewing - Thu 21th Apr 11

Last night was a complete disaster, for some reason I decided to follow the instructions in the idiots guide regarding polar alignment, from that moment on it all went to pot. Not one target was achieved within the finder let alone the eyepiece, and to make matters worse light pollution was horrendous. Although I took some photos I am not holding out too much on them being any good :(. I accept that this is all part of package, good nights and bad nights but will plow on and hope to achieve

The Sailor

The Sailor

sky watcher LPF filter 1st test

hi all well did a few shots last night but things where not ideal partly cloudy and dodge in the rest to get a few shots the skywatcher LPF filter was purchased of flo next day delivery as prompt as ever ,shot polaris because it’s a easy thing and that direction as the most sky glow sheffield is about 12 mile down the valley from me and its like a big open bowl spew in orange evil every were I will have another try tonight as these pics were taken on the 21st april ,so we will see as toni



Viewing - Wed 20th Apr 11

A lovely day today and was looking forward to tonight but just remembered that we have a group talk at the local library, so have closed the obsy for the moment and will get back to it later :) Well got home from the local group meet and got straight down to stargazing. Had worked out the problem with the camera attached to the refracter earlier so went straight into checking if all was well. Aligned and then set the camera up, got focused and with a list of messiers I set off, a 60 sec shot of

The Sailor

The Sailor

polaris and the camera and light polution

hi all ,well last night thought a would take a few long expo`s of polaris to try and get a good star trail pic ,but to my supprise they turned out better than a thoght .for one they did not trail ok the time was about 2 mins not much of a chance there then,but i did get some good shots a will put the pics up in a minute on photo bucket the link will be there shortly ,apart from them all be in orange! any way i ordered a lpf filter,and it came this morning so a will try that a read alot about the



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