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The Eyeball in the sky...21/08/10

:headbang: I got the Dob!! I got the Dob!!... Sorry about that but I'm so Exited:D Picked up the 10" Dob late yesterday afternoon and ONLY JUST got the monster in the car!! Assembled the base last night and I'll have a look at fitting the OTA sometime today. Unfortunatly...it's forcast lots and lots of cloud, Rain and frustration for the next few days:( .... I can't wait till Sunday when it forecasts a partially cloudy night...I'll keep you informed...Clear skies to you all.



Clouds, clouds and more clouds

It seems like months since I last saw a clear sky. Before I took up astronomy seriously, I never realised how repressive these clouds cloud be, now it feels like I'm living in some sort of cave. Still, it's given me plenty of opportunity to play Starcraft 2 late into the night! As I've mentioned a couple of times, I'd been hoping to be buy something new like a nice eyepiece by now. I really fancied a Baader Hyperion to add to my collection, but as I've hardly made use of what I've already got, I



The EYEBALL in the sky..20/08/10

What a bummer...The 10" Dob I was due to pick up yesterday didn't arrive from the warehouse...I can't get it out of my mind...every waking moment I'm star hopping in my head or seeing Nebulas' in my corn flakes...If it doesn't arrive today I'll have appoplexy...I can't write any more just yet, I'm beside myself with expectation .... Great expectations in fact. .... be back later.



the EYEBALL in the sky...

Actually, it should be titled 'The Blind Eyeball in the Sky'....Yesterday I upgraded the standard focuser on my SW 10" Dob with a Revelation Two speed Crayford focuser. It was quite a scary thing for me because I'm not a mechanically minded guy, and because of that, I quite often can't see logical solutions to mechanical problems. That's what comes with spending half a life time as a 'people' worker..a detached youth worker actually. Anyway, after much dithering and thoughts of not doing it 'cos



The Eyeball in the sky

Stargazers Lounge - View Profile: Patrick1948.... I don't know if the eyeball is pictured in the blog so I guess I'll post this and see. I thought it would be a decent title for a blog, tying in with the profile picture.



Iphone Holder for Scopes

Well I finally got my Iphone holder, 1st one was damaged and then out of stock, but it has finally arrived. My initial tests were on my small refractor, and because it was in daylight the Sun was chosen as the object to find and then track. Holder was fitted and Iphone software GoskyWatch was chosen, and what a brilliant job it did, not only did it locate the Sun but centered it perfectly in the eyepiece, which now begs the question, will it do the same for DSO objects? and planets? My next set



Perseid Hunt 15th August 2010

15th August 2010 Last night of the Perseid Meteor Hunt. This was actually my first late shift back after 2 weeks off work, and I finished work at 23:15, drove home and collected my camera equipment, checked with The Francinian sky boy (Ged) to make sure he was still going up to the Dark Sky observation site. Quickly realised I needed petrol and off to the 24hr garage, topped up the tank and got a few supplies, set off for Birkrigg Common and at the traffic lights I saw Ged waiting patientl



stargazing, the night before last.

on the 15th the skies were so clear in Yorkshire. I was so happy because I was staying with my nan and her back garden, (my stargazing sanctuary) is so much better than mine. I was stargazing till about three in the morning, and the skies just got better and better. my brother decided he would come outside at around half eleven, and spot at least 6 shooting stars he said, and possibly a late persied. I was so annoyed because I only saw about 3 average shooting stars. my brother then later decid




Can I just ask, what is everyone's favourite star, and why? Feel free to include planets and constellations e.c.t... I was just wondering. My favourite planet is probably Venus, because it's so beautiful and I always know where she is. And star to be Sirius or Vega, because their so bright! :)



Orange balls of light above Bearsden

Did anyone see the bright balls of orange light over Bearsden, Glasgow tonight Friday 13th August 2010? I saw two of them Northeast of me hovering and then moving slowly. I thought at first there had been an explosion but there was no noise and neither lost any altitude. One of them grew in intensity, it looked like a teardrop shaped ball of fire. It's light became less intense and shrank back to the size of the other orange ball of light. Both then moved off, I think to the north, but my sense




Scope: C100 EDR 100mm/900mm Lenses: Celestron Plossl 20, TeleVue Plossl 8, Meade 2x TeleXtender Location: Dark Site Visibility: Excellent Light Pollution: Low My wife and I took our scope and some friends up to the dark site to check out the meteor shower and have a look at some of the more 'touristy' celestial objects which we had been dying to see, but which haven't risen past the trees in our own garden yet. And so we set out armed with coffee, cheesy baked potatoes, crisps and beer! As w



Perseid Hunting 2010

Location: Birkrigg Common, Cumbria - Located Near Ulverston. Time: 23:00 - 02:15 Ray Gilchrist & Trina Gilchrist Between us we saw 64 Meteors, condition were very clear after the heavy rain, some cloud around but on the whole very good seeing condition. My images unfortunately suffer from Noise, and I did think I had cured this with experimentation. ISO/Exp/F Most were taken ISO 400, 15 Seconds at f/3.2 or f/2.7 Camera was a Canon s31S. Trying to photograph the Perseid shower is very di



persied meteor shower!

Was any body else disappointed with the weather in the uk tonight? It was soooo cloudy and i didn't see one persied! :(



How do I convert star HIP numbers to SAO numbers?

I use Stellarium on my PC to orientate the night sky, and for star hopping - in this software package all the stars are given HIP numbers. However, my Celestron uses Nexstar which wants an SAO number entered to find a star. So at the moment, other than for the more common/brightest stars (which are listed under Nexstar), I cannot instruct guide my telescope to go to other stars that I find on Stellarium since I don't know how to convert a HIP star number to an SAO star number. Does anybody know



Sun Spots 12th August 2010

Managed a couple of images today, heard on twitter about the 1 sunspot splitting in 2, Nasa footage here: http://www.mssl.ucl.ac.uk/~lmg/sunspot_split.mov So I checked my data from 09:00 - 10:30 this morning, it was cloudy so I was in & Out. I found this, Enhanced up of course, I cannot compete with NASA :D Shows the sunspot just after the split plus a group of 3 others. Ray



Anyone in Suffolk?

Hey, i am new to his forum and i have just recently got into astronomy. I brought myself a Meade ds2080 refractor with 2xbarlow , 9.7mm plossl and 26 mm eye pieces. I was wondering if anyone could give me a kick start in astronomy and teach me a thing or two as i am kinda clueless. And does anyone live in suffolk as i am wondering if there are any dark skies in this area.



Perseid Hunting

Thought I would try and capture a perseid meteor on Camera, but I'm struggling with finding a real Dark sky site in this location. Tried again last night but I am suffering light pollution creeping in. I have found the optimum setting for the Canon s31s camera, due to a lot of experimenting over the last month. 15 second exposures at f/3.2 with a wide 50mm lens gives a nice picture with background stars or in my case clouds :( 2 pictures showing what I mean. 1st is clouds, 2n is Perseid Meteor



should i get the cgem celestron mount & tripod

I really want it and it would help my photos the tracking is really good and its simple to setup. I'm having a hard time saving for it. its over what I wanted to spend but its soooooooooooo awesome!!!!! I got $300 so far and a long way to go. so what do you guys think of the cgem stand? I want input it will be helpful. I'm looking for a goto. Has the ability to have gps or has gps and under $2000 must be able to hold a 8" scope.



Sometimes you just have to look

I’ve always been interested in the sky. Looking upwards as a young kid sent my mind wandering with all sorts of unanswerable questions. What’s up there? What’s the bright shape that looks like a pan? (and not a plough as it would turn out). Now however, I am able to answer many of those questions that would have baffled my mind a few years ago. Last night though, accompanied by the perfect conditions showing the bright Milky Way and its millions of stars, my mind wanted to skip back to that ch



Observing Session 9th August 2010

9th August 2010 Observing Session at Walney Island (Not the Normal Site). After weeks of cloudy weather I was eager to actually get out and use the Skywatcher 130p scope again. checked the cloud situation and decided that it was clear enough to make the effort and pack the car with all the gear, final sky check 21:00, very light cloud and slight wind. Drove to the site, the decision to go to Walney instead of Birkrigg (which is my normal site) was based on conditions at 21:00 and also the fact



Things for a beginner to keep in mind/ things i wish i'd known

Things to bear in mind -Stars will look like stars no matter what size telescope you have, even Hubble cannot make them out to be suns. -Most objects you will look at through a telescope will be faint fuzzy patches of light, only planets and the moon can be viewed in their colours without the use of expensive long-exposure photographic equipment. -If you live in the UK or somewhere with a similar climate then rain/ clouds will prevent you from doing your hobby a lot of the time, try not t



Where are we all?

no thats just ware i park my car and i live in an apartment bilding oh by the way my nabour has a rotwiler so i feel safe but the same cant be said for my cats so i keep them in doors :eek:

sir bert

sir bert


after perchasing my 1st telescope a month ago there hasnt really been a chance to get out there and see some amazing things. hope to do soon.



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