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wxsatuser last won the day on December 17 2017

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    Amateur radio
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  1. There is Astromechanics Ascom Canon lens controller. May be hard to get one as they are Russian and importing might be hard. Plus not cheap. Be aware although a very nice lens old versions may have issues with CA etc. You may get a good one or not.
  2. Looks like the underneath of a Boeing 737, when retracted the main gear still shows.
  3. Nice one. One taken by my sister on an iphone
  4. Last weekend was pretty good on ten metres, got into the Maldives and South Korea. Twelve metres was roaring as well, got into Botswana for a new country Twenty metres was excellent to, got into Australia, New Zealand, USA and Japan. Conditions do vary quite a bit as the Sun gets it act together. BTW I run a maximum of 100watts of FT8/FT4 to a cobweb 5band antenna about 24feet agl.
  5. You will most likely not find to much activity on 23cms, really depends on conditions and if your near any centres of activity. Some of the best ham frequencies to check will be the FT8 ones, if there is any activity it will be on these frequencies. 144MHz......144.174MHz 432MHz......432.174MHz 1296MHz....1296.174Mhz Best to watch for good tropo conditions and keep an eye on DX clusters. For tropo conditions try Hepburn For DX Cluster and pick a band to see what is being heard and where. You could try beacons a list here
  6. I knew I had one some where. It's quite big, just about fits in my hand. This is pyrite found on the local Downs.
  7. We used to collect these on the local Downs just after the plowing, they were easy to spot amongst the flints. All us kids called them meteorites but we knew they were not.
  8. You are correct as the 20>30% histogram thing is to gauge where the RAW histogram is just detached from the lefthand side with a dslr. It is this value because one would normally view the histogram on the back of the camera where the image is a processed jpeg.
  9. I got one last year, seems a nice bit of kit. Yet to use it in anger. 😀
  10. Just one other little tip. If the supply side neutral breaks on a TN-C-S supply the RCD will not trip as it will still carry equal current in each leg. Current flows through live round the appliance via it's neutral and back to the appliance earth terminal making the metal appliance live, if you touch it you complete the circuit to earth. This is why powers that be don't recommend any metal appliances outside on a TN-C-S supply. If the power goes off do not touch anything metal and check to see if the supply side neutral is still there.
  11. I would be more concerned if that's a metal box and you have a TN-C-S supply. A broken neutral will would make that box live and more than likely give a fatal shock outside. There doesn't even need to be a fault in the box to make that box live if the neutral on the supply side breaks.
  12. There are a very few camera lenses that can do it as well and they are also noticeable by their price.
  13. I would agree, very few lenses fit the bill for the best images and most are expensive. I cannot comment on other makes but the ones I have tried and bought. Canon 200mm f2.8 prime Canon 70-200mm f2.8, the expensive ones. Samyang 135mm f2 I have tried various Sigmas, 105mm macro is reasonable if you like widefield.
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