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Nagler 3-6mm Zoom


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I am truly astounded by the quality of this eyepiece :shocked:

I am sure Mr Nagler has sold his soul to the devil and if there is such a thing as reincarnation he sold his soul again before he is even reborn

It has split each of the double doubles Epsilon Lyr 1 & 2 with nearly a 2mm gap between each set and they are pin sharp :laugh:

I couldn't believe what it did to the moon but this is mad.

I am very very impressed :smiley:

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I am hunting doubles at the moment but have reverted back to the 17.3mm D,

I agree the zoom works very well on the Zenith, Albireo looks great :smiley:

Its starting to get a bit chilly out here, time to go get my coat :eek:

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fantastic zoom isn't it...not yet used it in my 18"..giving 591x might be too much!!...nice in the zeiss at 203x tho.

When I last used it on the Moon I kept accidentally trying to go beyond 3mm (300x), I probably could've settled for 400x :).

Shaun, it's a great eyepiece isn't it? :) Lets you get the best of the conditions in seconds.

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It sure is Jonathan, I have just split Epsilon Bo, lovely colours. :laugh: Now that's quite low down toward the horizon.

I used it on the Moon a few nights back its brilliant, so much so I have just bought a better moon filter than my current piece of Rubbish :grin:

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Well its clouded over so its time to pack up, great night though lots of doubles added to the list :smiley:

I am glad I stumbled across Televue eyepieces without any help from anyone in SGL :Envy: :Envy: :Envy::grin:

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When I first opened the box I was amazed how small it was compared to my other TV eyepieces, I thought it looked more like a mushroom than an eyepiece. I also thought I would be disappointed with it, but boy how wrong was I :smiley: It truly is a little gem.

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Recently i bought one (used).

After the first night test, i sold my 3,4,5mm Radians.

Hard to believe, but true.....this eyepiece is outstanding performer.

I think this demonstrates what a personal thing eyepiece selection is. I've owned 2 3-6mm Nagler zooms in the past, at different times, and while they are undoubtedly really excellent, I found somehow that I just could not get the same kick out of using them that other eyepieces gave me, I think it was probably the 10mm eye relief (12mm is where it starts to get comfy for me), the smallish, more or less flush mounted, eye lens which collects eyelash grease rather easily and the 50m degree field of view being just a little to much hard work with the undriven, alt-az mounted scopes I like to use.

My 6mm - 3mm set comprises Ethos-Pentax XW-Radian-Pentax XW-Radian (6mm, 5mm, 4mm, 3.5mm and 3mm respectively) now and I love them. It's taken quite a few years and many different eyepieces to reach my particular "happy place" and others will find things different for them of course :smiley:

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I agree totally John I am sure my collection will grow and become more personal as time goes by :smiley:

I will have to invest in a low mag Pentax XW sometime soon just to see if there is an alternative to the Televue.

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There are other eyepieces other than Televue. You mention Pentax, there is no doubt the shorter ones are exceptional. Many say the 10mm is the pick of the bunch but I have never seen one myself. I have used the 7mm a fair bit and have a 5mm which is really as good as anything I have. I had the 14mm but was not over impressed with it after seeing the Delos of the same focal length. John gives the 3.5mm thumbs up and thats good enough for me. I have to say the others seem to be hard to come by secondhand which I am sure is telling us something.

Over all though I firmly believe the Delos range is very hard to better and as I and others have said before, at this level it really is very difficult to call.


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Hiya Alan,

The Delos range ends at 17.3mm and my next size is the 34mm Maxi, thus quite a big gap.

I would like something that delivers the same demonic black contrast as the Delos 17.3 when looking at clusters (it really is that good)

Maybe a Panoptic 24 or 27mm will fit the bill ?

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Get it 2nd hand, job done :D.

I am a bit of a strange one on that score Jonathan, there's a surprise !!! :shocked:

I couldn't cope with knowing it had been used and I would need to recieve some therapy once it arrived :grin: It has to be new or not at all, even though most of us look after our eyepieces like our lives depend on them.

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I am a bit of a strange one on that score Jonathan, there's a surprise !!! :shocked:

I couldn't cope with knowing it had been used and I would need to recieve some therapy once it arrived :grin: It has to be new or not at all, even though most of us look after our eyepieces like our lives depend on them.

Thats an expensive way to get equipment :shocked:

Practically all my stuff is used, often 3rd or 4th hand. I'd never be able to afford anything like what I have now if I bought only new equipment.

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