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Crescent to Tulip in one night


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This is a superb picture in its own right, but if you're adding to it I can't wait to see how it progresses! Are you going to extend the field, or add colour (or both!)? I'm dying to see more above left....

Is that Sharpless 104 on the left edge? Does it have a descriptive name as well?

Which scope/flattener are you using?


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I can only reiterate he the comments above - Wow! As James has said, that must be SO difficult not getting dragged in to cover more of this region... and as Andrew noted, that top left looks a VERY tempting to move on to :smiley:!

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I can only reiterate he the comments above - Wow! As James has said, that must be SO difficult not getting dragged in to cover more of this region... and as Andrew noted, that top left looks a VERY tempting to move on to :smiley:!

Your wish is my command..............


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:grin: ... Can I vote you maybe add the section a bit further to the top left next time? :grin:. Looks like a never ending project to me! :rolleyes:

Whenever I show these types of images to non-astro friends, they're always totally stunned that this is all "up there" in what they perceive only as a "black sky with a few stars dotted about"...

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