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M81 with the MN190


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Even though the skies looked clear, it was obvious from the subs it wasn't and so my M81 / 82 image wasn't up to scratch.

However I thought I would isolate out M81 and process this on it's own.

5 Hours in 5 min subs of LRGB with the MN190, QHY9 and 2 inch filters.

About 30mins of Ha added in as well to get the emmisions in the arms.

Hope you like.

EDIT : 2nd image has had a bit more tweaking with PI


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Thanks Peter, Saw your Bodes image recently and the clob next to M81 and looks like I got a faint taster of it, 2 oclock of M81 on the image.

FWIW, that 'clob' is another galaxy, Holmberg IX.


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With stats like that I recon I should sell up now ;-)

Well I'm the one down from you ... so cheer up :)

Its about having a go not boasting about being the best and having the best kit.... B)

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Cat, a splendidly sharp M81 there. But are the colours what they should be? It seems a bit "orange" to me, it could be just my eyes but as you said the seeing has been complete pants for the last few weeks so that was probably the main contributing factor.

Perhaps you should save the subs you have and mix them in with some fresh data?

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Cat, a splendidly sharp M81 there. But are the colours what they should be? It seems a bit "orange" to me, it could be just my eyes but as you said the seeing has been complete pants for the last few weeks so that was probably the main contributing factor.

Perhaps you should save the subs you have and mix them in with some fresh data?

Not sure mate, was vry careful not to change the the colour too much and keep it all balanced with only saturation changes. However that said, it was rather murky that night hence the near rejection of these subs.

I will have another look and run through PI when I get back from Germany and work.

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