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Which APO ?

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Still have to back the catadioptric side: my C8 needs no more than a dew shield (EUR 35 because my parents did not want to buy me a camping mattress and some velcro for my birthday :o). For visual DSO use it is great, and I have been picking up loads of galaxies with it recently. No mere 4-5" scope would have done that. On planets it shows excellent detail (more than a 4-5" apo would), with slightly lower contrast than an apo.

At 4.7 kg it is about the same weight or lighter than most 4" apo refractors, and a good deal lighter (and cheaper) than most 5" apos. I have a small apo (and very much like it), but if I had to restrict myself to a single scope, the C8 would be it, it is an excellent all-round scope.

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Would the Vixen ED115s be good for imaging dso etc? Or is the focal ratio not quite there @ f7.7?

Astro_Baby has said that she is visual only and likely to remain so in the original post.

Like myself :o

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Thanks for answering that Angus - makes it very appealing! Do you happen to know if you can you get the focal reducer here in the uk?


Can we keep to the OP's original question ? - ta :o

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I am seriously considerimg selling all my gear and replacimg it with something more compact.

I am thinking in terms of an APO at the moment with an aperture of around 100 to 120 and a price of somewhere between £1,000 and £1,500.

I'll be a bit provocative and think out of the box and suggest you could simply get a 200mm Dob.

You'd be surprised at how much of the hassle you have right now is due to that mount, and if you get a 120mm ED or APO refractor you might be surprised at how little more it's "grab'n'go" (except that you can start looking with high magnification sooner than with a reflector, even one with a fan). With the danger that you're going to do just as little with it.

And if you really dislike the fact the mount doesn't track automatically, you can always add an equatorial platform later (without having to use it). There appears to be a good UK source for them at equatorial-platforms-uk .

Of course, I'd suggest trying to use one for a couple of nights, because whether you like Dobs or not is fairly personal (but you need a couple of good nights to appreciate them).

If you do want a refractor and not too much hassle and are going to use it visually, give a good Alt-Az mount some consideration too. An HEQ5 is a lot more hassle.

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BTW the C8 sits very happily on quite a modest mount, and cooling down can be reduced dramatically by storing it in an unheated garage (not an option for everybody, I know). You do need to replace the visual back with a 2" type for wider field observation (up to 1.38 deg with mine).

Now I will stop banging the SCT drum :(

(unless provoked :o)

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Hello Mel. Clearly everyone will have a different opinion on what is best.

From my point of view I wanted a reasonable quality 4" frac which was easy to move around but would give me a good wide FOV and also allow me to go to 200x/250x for doubles. I decided on an Astro Tech F/7 which is a doublet and has a high quality focuser. It cost me about £850 a few years ago and it is great for quick grab and go. I also prefer an alt/az mount as I don't do imaging.

I don't get any CA on the Astro Tech and I use the scope mainly for the Moon, Planets, Doubles and the brighter DSOs.

I attach a photo which shows a general set up on the original SkyTee. I don't usually have the WO SD66 attached for quick grab and go.

Wish you well in your decision.


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Hello AB. A few from left field perhaps. The first two, AFAIK, are only available 2nd hand:

A Takahashi FS102 Fluorite Doublet is a lifer and should be in your price range.

A Stellarvue 102ED (or SV4) is a corker as well. LZOS optics doublet is almost as colour-free as their 105 triplet.

Televue TV or NP 102. Basically an up-sized TV85. At f8.35 its best suited to lunar and planetary observing tho'.

The FLT98 and 110 are both great scopes, tho' the 110 may be out of the price band you're considering and is considerably heavier than the 98. Ditto the 120 Megrez. Its amazing how quickly the weight piles on with only a few mm'ers difference.

My current 4" is a Sharpstar AL106 / AT106 (What APM calls it's '107'). At f6.5 its a little short for pure planetary work, but takes magnification very well and is a superb lunar scope. I believe they are sold through UnitronItalia.

Good hunting and kudos on your site.


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Keep the TAL100RS plus your HEQ5.

Sell everything else and go on holiday :o

I must agree that the state of the UK weather can really dampen ones spirit and passion for our hobby. Keep the scope that you use the most and performs well. Ask yourself - do I really need an APO if just for visual? Why shell out the extra cost if I already own a great scope which pleases me every time I look through it (and at it).

If we all lived somewhere where we were guaranteed clear skies for 100 nights of the year, then perhaps the cost could be justified. In my humble opinion, living in this country you just won't get to use that £1500 scope very often at all. So I would leave it myself. :(

My two shekels.

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I'll plump for the WO flt-98! I have one and it's a truly stunning scope! Very portable, no false colour and it takes magnification very well! For the price I would say there's no better 4" scope!



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I'll plump for the WO flt-98! I have one and it's a truly stunning scope! Very portable, no false colour and it takes magnification very well! For the price I would say there's no better 4" scope!



I'll second that, and it's pure coincidence that I own the FLT98 below. :o:D



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A myriad of configurations.

I would step back and, as if you were starting out, ask - what is it you like seeing/doing?

There's obviously annoyance in the inability just to dash out to ****** the gaps in the clouds. However the EQ5 isn't particularly grab'n'go (if my staggering experience of the EQ6 is anything to go by - nor is your suggestion of an EQ6).

So... (and I'm probably going put my foot firmly in my mouth)... is it just a bit of frustration with the current lack of clear skies?

I would suggest putting the idea on hold and having a look through a few people's refractors before jumping. Possibly borrowing a refractor for a while?

Edit: not entirely sure what went on with the stared out word.. but left alone for comedy value.

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I'll plump for the WO flt-98! I have one and it's a truly stunning scope! Very portable, no false colour and it takes magnification very well! For the price I would say there's no better 4" scope!



my comment earlier about astro buy and sell has it listed as still for sale-wish I could afford it.

U.K. Astronomy Buy & Sell

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Mel as I recall is not at all tempted by imaging.

The WO FLT 98 is very nice but also at the top of the budget, the new WO 120 is very nice and should fall into budget.

Check out the offerings by Telescope Service, they have some nice ones in the size and price range mentioned. Think they have a 127mm with 2" or 3" focuser at £1200 area. That leaves enough for a few other accessories.

Problem may be weight. As I recall part of the problem is carrying the thing and assorted bit up and down several flights of stairs. Refractos are reasonably heavy.

How about smaller and the WO Megrez 90?

Would be easier to carry round and half the cost of the WO Megrez 120. Agreed fair bit less aperture. Would I guess get used more however.

Thing is there are quite a few options out there. Astro-Tech, Astro-Physics, WO, TMB, Burgess, Explore Scientific, TV, Vixen.

Ian King and Altair Astro do scopes that are the same I suspect as the TS ones, as in same supplier (Kunming or Longperng).

The TS scopes are probably the best value, the WO Megrez 120 is nice.

TS 110/770 ED APO - 1049 Euro

One of their Individual range, very nice.

TS also do 2 suitable Astro-Professional scopes.

102 ED F/7 at 750 Euro,

110 ED F/7 at 999 Euro.

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I offered the 98FLTCF because as well as being solid, the CF tube is LIGHT, BEAUTIFUL and QUALITY. I took these as being the important attributes.

There are of course other CF refractors from the likes of TS which would certainly also do a job.

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