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Those Cursed Trees!!

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As much as I love trees and all things green:D what can you do when your neighbour just lets his trees grow and grow? I had fantastic views of the East and now the view is slowly closing due to the trees branches. I did ask him nicely to cut one down but he reminded me that I don't own the view!!!! :)

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Well thats a real pain. Best to try hard to remain friends I think. I do realise

that some people can be impossible to deal with, but maybe try to be a good

neighbour yourself ( I'm sure you are ) but what I mean is go the extra mile to

be helpful, maybe he will agree to your request.

Of course if they are overhanging your property, you do have a right to trim

them back to your fence line if he won't.

Good luck ! Ed.

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Or you could just get a chainsaw and cut them down completely when he's at work? haha only joking of course! I must admit it is nice to be able to view the sky from your back yard !!

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i have a horrible bunch of trees cutting of my southern view, and the house cutting out the north i have to point east over the lights of the town centre or west to open country side, i refuse to cut down my own trees as they were there before me and will most likely be there after me. dont want to live with them, cant live without them...

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I had a similar issue with my neighbour until I offered to cut them all down myself get rid of them all and build a tall fence for free. Now I have no obstacles in my back garden (except from my wee bungalow due north) and I have enough fire wood to last me years!

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Really unlucky Ken, its a shame your neighbour is not willing to at least let you trim them back a bit, don't think it would do that much harm.

By contrast I have the job of ripping out 25ft by 15ft high by 3ft wide conifer out of my garden and then putting a decent fence up, something my neighbour is looking forward to me doing and is glad its coming down, I must add its dying anyway so I have no option

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If any of the tree is overhanging your land then you are within you rights to cut off the overhang. You then have to give the cuttings back, otherwise you can be prosecuted for theft (daft, I know).

However, if this isn't a solution, there isn't much you can do unless you can persuade him to cut them back himself.

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As much as I love trees and all things green:D what can you do when your neighbour just lets his trees grow and grow? I had fantastic views of the East and now the view is slowly closing due to the trees branches. I did ask him nicely to cut one down but he reminded me that I don't own the view!!!! :)

You may not own the view but you have more right to light than he has to obscure your light. But going down that route just creates animosity and never ends well.

He probably just can't be bothered to pollard them. I'm sure he'll let you do it for him as a neighbourly gesture. Failing that, just cut it down and take the ASBO. lol

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Can understand this situation well - it is extremely frustrating to have a neighbour prevent you from a decent observing session.

I have neighbour problems as well with bad scatter exterior lights. I know my rights and what I can say to her, but at the end of the day I want a peaceful life and if I really wanted to go and observe, I'd wait until she goes to bed and turns the light off, or load up the car to a lovely dark spot a mile away.

Neighbours can be funny creatures, and I think the best way is to keep the peace, unless your well being was being compromised (through neighbour's loud music/aggression, etc.)

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I had a similar issue with my neighbour until I offered to cut them all down myself get rid of them all and build a tall fence for free. Now I have no obstacles in my back garden (except from my wee bungalow due north) and I have enough fire wood to last me years!



Had I not cut down the trees and put up that fence as you can see from my photos i'd have not got my first good look at the moon and Jupiter tonight through my new scope! :) You need to get cutting them trees down!

Just waiting for Saturn now to make my night complete!

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You have my sympathy, it's not fun when you just can't see what everyone assures you is an astronomical wonder just because of a big tree.

I'm in a similar-ish kind of situation as our garden is quite short but wide and along the southern view our neighbour has grown a very tall conifer hedge. This thing is huge, it must be getting on for 30' tall now and it's got so bad that I can only just get a view of Orion if I'm right up against our house. It also casts so much shade that the lawn is just moss.

I did go around a couple of years ago to ask kindly if there was some kind of compromise we could arrive at to keep their privacy but also let us glimpse the summer sun but I received an, er, less than warm welcome. Thing is, I do sympathise with them being as they've lived there for 25 years and we're newcomers with a mere five years under our belt but it is starting to get on my nerves. It is too high, under hedge laws, so we could technically force them to cut it down but, you know, it's difficult.

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