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yet another newbie ...


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Yup .... im a Newbie ... but ive been called much worse .. :D

Im based in Kingston Upon Hull and im a professional photographer. Ive been into Astronomy since i was at School back in the 70's. Even back then we were using cheap film cameras to try and get some Astro images .. but never really succeeded. Then i found women - got married - had kids ... and that was the end of that !

So here i am in the Digital age and raring to get to grips with the Digital astro imaging lark ... so i may ask you the experts lots and questions over the coming weeks .... and no doubt lots of the answers will slide right over my head ... well i am a newbie after all .. :)

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Hi, welcome to SGL.

This hobby can be done with a modest budget, as long as you don't do deep sky imaging. DSO imaging is one of the most expensive area of amateur astronomy, but a starter deep sky imaging kit still cost less than one of those gold ringed Nikon lens, so in that sense may be it is not that expensive.

clear skies


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Hi and welcome to the forum.

Clearly our mission here must be to rescue you from flower arranging - at least! :):D

Seriously, as said above, astrophotography can move from being very affordable (you already have all the kit for widefield imaging of the night's sky) to very quickly requiring more pricey kit. To help you, may I suggest that you get a copy of our very own Steve Richards (Steppenwolf) "Making Every Photon Count". It is a very comprehensive book that details what you need, why you need and how to use it in order to obtain the kind of images you're after. However like everything else, you do get what you pay for and I wouldn't want your first image of a black hole being that of your wallet! :):D In fact this book provides a very good overview that might in fact save you money!

Hope that helps you and in the meantime wishing you clear skies.


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