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My best night ever

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Well what I story I have.

I decided to visit my local (quite well known) observatory for the Stargazing live event they were holding with the local club. I showed up with my kit but a presentation had begun early so I decided to leave my stuff in the car.

The presentation was great, with very down to Earth explanations to many objects within this beautifully clear night sky. Quite a few members of the public turned up and then left in due course as their ill prepared clothes didn't keep the toe warm!

The first thing to surprise me was that the local astronomy club packed up and left at 8 o'clock, straight after their presentation! It was the best seeing conditions that I have seen in my area for weeks... this amused me and my dad greatly seeing as we had been waiting for what feels like ages when you have new kit :)

Secondly, we queued up for the two giant telescopes in their observatories. They were both giant refractors that I am presuming were quite old. We looked at the Pleides and Jupiter through them and boy was a not expecting this...it wasn't that great! It made me and my 8" reflector so chuffed that I can actually get better results myself :)

So we went home and decided that if the conditions were going to be this good, we needed to make the most of it. Went to bed early and woke up at 5 for a drive to our local sky viewing area. It was fantastic and there was a slight hint of sunlight coming so we knew we had to get on it! I should mention at this point that it was seriously cold, and this is coming from a guy who has jumped in a frozen lake! I need to get some fingerless mittens...

Wondering back to the story, we saw Venus, Saturn and Mercury all in this morning session. I hadn't seen Saturn in my new scope before and the results were STUNNING :evil6: I also had never even seen Mercury or Venus through a telescope before so this was a blast! I could make out a disc of Mercury and the semi circle of Venus. I just had to get this off my chest because aside from my dad, when you tell other people how amazing these experiences a blank face is often the remark :D

I was so cold I had to get back into the car and warm up, while my dad was trying to persuade me to have a go at taking some photos for reference. I knew they wouldn't be great, but I had a good effort and I am glad I did in the end. We all have to start somewhere right?

If you want to see what I managed to take it's here:

2011 pictures by add453 - Photobucket

So to conclude I have recently seen Uranus, Saturn, Jupiter, Mercury and Venus. I am also starting an Open University course in Astronomy so wish me luck!


ps. I put this in the wrong place I think can someone move it? sorry I am new to all of this :icon_eek:

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Hi Adam

Great to see the enthusiam doesn't wane for the frozen fools that stare at the sky :icon_eek: - just wish my wife could understand the joys of seeing a planet for the first time through a scope... she just looks at me like I'm mad!

Enjoy your new kit and clear skies!


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Hi Adam

Glad you had a good time with the scope.

Which OU course are you doing? I have just completed all the level 1 astronomy ones and myself and another member called Alan are about to start our level 2 courses.

If you need and info or advice feel free to drop me a pm.



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You show so much excitement Adam which reminds me of the thrill I had as a teenager seeing things for the first time at strange hours in the morning plus the fact that non-astronomer friends just don't get it! Your experiences described here are much appreciated showing what fascinating fun astronomy is.

Regards, John.

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Yeah, Excellent story, I got up at 4am to see Saturn but checked outside it was still cloudy, So went back to bed and have to wait... Who knows how long? but eventually I will see Saturn.

How old are you? Adam. It's what I like to see Father and Son going out and enjoying themself, Quality times.

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Cheers guys.

I am starting the Introduction to Astronomy course Dave and I am really excited for it. I am sure everyone is familiar with the feeling of interest when you are working on a subject you actually enjoy! As opposed to some Jane Austin novel or something...

I may give the impression being young with my passion and observing with my dad. But I am actually 22 and have loved astronomy since I was a little kid. I got quite a bit distracted from it through secondary and sixth form, but since then I have come to rediscover it again. I still have so much I want to see and accomplish!

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