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Skywatcher Evostar 80ED DS-Pro


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Does anyone else use the above 'scope for imaging? If so how do find the focuser? Mine is total - well lets say I'm not impressed with it at all.

With a filter wheel and CCD hanging off the back it just slips like crazy, not slip in the tube but just unwind, and I can find no way of tightening it up. If I pinch the lock screw it wont focus but still slide back.

Anyone had anything similar - any ideas? because I'm getting seriously fed up with it.

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I know it's not much help but as Russe says, a lot of people have issues with the Evostar's stock focuser. The Equinox appears to be reputably better and I've not had any problems with my Orion's stock focuser (ED80T CF) which supports a CCD and fairly hefty filterwheel and flattener/reducer without any noticeable slippage.

I'd say replace the focuser if it's possible or else trade up for an Equinox 80? (Hopefully an Equinox 80 owner will be along to confirm!).

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WOW! That looks the business! :( Going on my wish list :) The focuser on my SW Evostar 80 ED DS Pro is starting to slip. I shall have to see about tightening it up. That's the only thing that spoils an otherwise superb scope. I like the fact that the SteelTrack is simply a direct replacement for the SW focuser. Be a while before I can afford one though and I shall have to work out my priorities.

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Not sure if I tried that one - but did have it all apart & tried to tighten.

I wasn't happy with putting my connectors / barlows / eyepeices / camera on the original.

When putting a bloomin expensive camera on it, well worth paying £240 for a focuser that I can trust .......

Now start saving for the driver focuser attachment :)

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Good point! Not a huge price compared with a decent astro camera. I'm rather surprised mine has come loose after so little use. The slo-mo drive is nice but little use if it won't move the draw tube with a load on it. The draw tube is a bit sloppy in the focuser too - not helpful. No! it'll have to be changed sooner or later.

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Yes, tightening up the lock screw puts the focus out and moves the draw tube sideways and changes it's angle so the image moves as well. I think this is going to the top of the list. Unfortunately, I have MOT and car tax coming up so it could be a while before the funds become available :)

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Mine did exactly the same, slipped out with all the imaging train on it. Only a lanyard saved an expensive tinkling noise. Removing the focusser and tightening it all up certainly helps but in the long run I think the stock focusser isn't up to the job and will need replacing.

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Yes - Have that & the focuser is horrible, especially when any weight is put on.

I've just bought this - it's just brilliant.

Not had it on a mount yet, but can tell it's worth it.


Yes these Baader focusers are much better than the stock focusers. We have upgraded more than one refractor with these!

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I had the same issue trying to hang a DSLR off the end of my Equinox 80.

In the end the only option was to replace the stock focuser for a proper one.

Not what you want to do really, shame they dont actually fit a decent focuser on it since most people will be imaging with these telescopes....

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I'd say replace the focuser if it's possible or else trade up for an Equinox 80? (Hopefully an Equinox 80 owner will be along to confirm!).

I did have to tighten the adjustment screws on my Equinox 80 (and 120) out of the box, but since then it holds my reducer, filterwheel and camera just fine, even when looking straight up - without using the lock screw at all.

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re: Equinox focusers, I did find the one on our Equinox to be better than on the ED Pro, but we ended up replacing the Equinox focuser as well anyway!

The main problem for us was the Equinox's focus lock screw. When you tightened it, it altered the focus a touch, so what was perfect focus became a bit blurry. :)

I had to try and guess how out of focus to have it so that it would be in focus when the lock was tightened.

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