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Very new to all this, from Preston


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Hey everyone. I stumbled across your site when I was looking for a UK based forum.

I'm really really new to the whole astronomy world. As in I've literally started to learn the constellations and some of the locations of the planets (thanks to my iphone app :D)

From as young as I remember, I was always looking up at the moon and the stars and being enthralled by it. And now my 6 year old is starting to become fascinated as well!

I started to look into it more after spending hours outside with him when we had the 'shooting stars' (sorry like I say, I don't know all the true names for things). And we found Jupiter too.

I'm so new, I haven't even looked at the skies through a telescope or binoculars! Although, I am borrowing my Grandad's binoculars tonight.

I'm not sure if this is the forum to go for a pretty much absolute beginner like I am, but even if it's not, I've already browsed through some of the pictures you guys have taken and I am blown away by them!

So if there is an absolute beginner forum, then please point me in the direction! I've already read the 'beginner' sticky which takes you to the article by the Sky and Telescope editor guy, (hence me getting the idea to borrow the binoculars tonight!)

My main aim at the moment is just to look at the moon, some planets if possible, and to get to know the names and be able to spot and name constellations and individual stars.

Claire :)

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Hi Clare and welcome to the forum from a neighbour in Chorley

You have certainly come to the right place, everyone has to start somewhere.

The guidance and knowledge amassed here is amazing.

Anything you need to know just fire away.

If tonight is like last night you will be amazed when you look at the sky through your Grandad's binoculars...


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Hi Claire,

A very warm welcome to SGL. Binoculars are a very popular way to start, they give excellent widefield views, and will certainly help you find your way around the sky. Also, at this time of year take a look at the Pleiades (a beuatiful open cluster of stars, also known as M45) and the Orion Nebula (M42), both well worth seeing through bins.

There is also a great program called Stellarium (which is free) which will be an excellent supplement to you iphone app for helping find your way around.

If you have any questions, please feel free to ask them.


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Thanks very much Paxo :) I saw the Stellarium mentioned in quite a few places round the forum and I was about to have a hunt at what exactly it was!

I'm not sure on the quality of the binoculars. They are old, I remember using them 20+ years ago, and I know they are heavy!

Thanks for the heads up on what to have a look for!


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Thanks for all the warm welcomes :)

robbieince - you are close - I'm in Fulwood :D

I can bet I will be spending some money soon. I think I may have been bitten by the bug, and at least, if I haven't then my son has!

We walked to get the binocular's and he was counting all the stars, and my Grandad gave him a pair of small light ones that his great great grandad bought for his great grandad! Family heirloom I think! And the pair I've borrowed are almost 50 years old!

So yeah, there is some numbers on them for magnification, 50mm on the big ones and 30mm on the small ones (8x30 i think?) will have to check. So it doesn't mean anything to me!

It's so cold out here tonight, that I don't think we'll be out long!

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Claire with bins the first number tells you what the magnification is and the second number tells you how big the main lens is , that's the big one at the front so for instance an 8x30 is eight times magnification and with a main lens of 30 mm

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This is very much the place for an absolute beginner, I can vouch for that. I knew next to nothing, but had a keen interest, and have learned loads already just from SGL and some very helpful friendly people.

Welcome to the site, you'll be spending your hard earned sometime soon, it's addictive. :)

I couldn't agree more, as a recent beginner myself I think I'd have been completely lost without SGL. Welcome aboard.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

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Hi Claire, welcome to the Lounge.

With the 12x50's you will get a magnification of twelve, and the diameter of the front lens is 50mm. (As per Astrobaby)

The best way to use them comfortably without a tripod, is to get out the sun loungers or deck chairs and use the chair arms to support your elbows, whilst being in a fairly comfortable position without cricking your neck. Use a cushion if you need to, there's no point in suffering.

M31, the Andromeda galaxy is pretty much overhead at the moment, have a look for it on Stellarium, here's a link to it.


Enjoy the binoculars, they can show quite a bit.

Wrap up real warm, you won't notice the cold to start with, then it will take you ages to get warm again.

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Stellarium is one of the best bits of software out there and if you download it, you can see pretty much everything you'll need. You will need to play around with the settings, but it's easy enough.

I started off with binoculars and got hooked immediately. Now got the scope and a few other bits and pieces after returning to the hobby from when I was a kid, years and years and years ago. Can't believe how much kit is out there, it's mind-blowing, so take it easy, build up gradually and you will love this hobby

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Hello Claire and welcome from me too. I'm very new as well - just got my first scope a couple of days ago, only been able to use it once due to cloud. I am sure you'll love the SGL, it is very helpful and the people who make it what it is seem very friendly and knowledgable.

All the best with your bins.

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