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Hello and first light Skywatcher 200


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After terrible frustration with a 4" reflector on a junk tripod I decided to get a proper scope. Reading the forums here was really

helpful in sorting out what to get. I settled on a Skywatcher 200P + HEQ5 PRO mount, from FLO. Last Weds the huge boxes arrived

via Fedex and I spent several hours unpacking and sorting it all out.

Friday night started clear, so my son and I setup in the garden, and even managed to find Polaris and polar align.

Then the cloud rolled in. Couldn't even see the Moon for a couple of hours. Luckily it cleared a bit later and we started with Jupiter - cloud belts clearly visible.

Hard to see much else with the Moon and cloud, but we had a look at Aldebaran, Vega, Caph and a short view of double star Almach.

Then we switched to the Moon - luckily we had an ND filter so it wasn't blinding. Nice clear views of the craters near the terminator, even through cloud.

Then it clouded over again. Even so we were pretty happy with our first go on a proper scope.

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Hi Nadie and welcome to the forum.

I completely empathize with your experiences with the 4" reflector. It wasn't so much that what it showed was poor (better than the average binos!) but the mount was rubbish, making the finding, tracking and focusing of an object near impossible and certainly capable of persuading anyone that observing was a waste of time. Glad you got some decent kit and I bet the whole observation experience is soooooo different. :):D:D

Hope the skies will be clear for you soon to get some more observing in - there is more to see!


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Hello Nadine and welcome. I once had a 4.5 Inch on a shoddy tripod, put me off for years until I myslef bought a 200p about 3 weeks ago.

Granted the weather has been bad, but already ive seen M31, Jupiter and Uranus through it and taken pics, I am well pleased and you should be too.

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