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The C-11 Edge HD first impressions

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I was like a kid at Christmas unpacking this scope today, it came well packed with is a good job considering how some couriers treat their packages!! The scope came with the standard 9-50 finder scope (which will be replaced with a Telrad) and a 2” Star Diagonal. It also come with a 23mm Axiom LX eyepiece which is very solid indeed, now I’m not known for this whole “looking through” a telescope but I have to say I can’t wait to try this out.

The scope is very well made as you would expect, some lovely little touch’s like vents to help with cool down and felt pads on the lens cap to avoid scratching the inside of the tube, nice :)

The scope comes with a CGE dovetail, since I want to mount this on my eq6 I was very interested to see if it would fit the ADM puck I have on the eq6. Well the news is it does but only just!!, there is absolutely no travel left in the puck so to be on the safe side I think I will look for a replacement dovetail.

Ill perform a proper review once I get first light (not tempting fate but that could be tonight :p )

PS thanks FLO, a super fast delivery and superb service as usual :D






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Looks very classy Jon. The scope plus the Axiom will provide a pleasant diversion from your Imaging, which will still be your prime activity. I can only Imagine the views that combo. will provide.

As a matter of curiosity, is it Hyperstar compatible, or will you go the Focal Reducer route?


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A diversion from imagining, what ever do you mean :) It is hyperstar compatible and thats the next thing on the list :D The focal reducers wont be ready until next year :eek:

I really cant wait to get the Obsy finished and get First light proper :p


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A diversion from imagining, what ever do you mean :p It is hyperstar compatible and thats the next thing on the list :eek: The focal reducers wont be ready until next year :(

I really cant wait to get the Obsy finished and get First light proper :D


A diversion from imagining, what ever do you mean :)

Oh!, sorry Jon. I should have realised, the Axiom is your obsy's expensive doorstop.:):p:D.

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not tempting fate but that could be tonight :D

:), yeah right! Have you seen Sat24? Looking rather tasty Jon, get the hyperstar sorted and I think you could be rolling out some awesome images.

Just thinking aloud here, but isn't the field already flat on the edge? If so, why not just buy a reducer that doesn't flatten like the Intes models?


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:), yeah right! Have you seen Sat24? Looking rather tasty Jon, get the hyperstar sorted and I think you could be rolling out some awesome images.

Just thinking aloud here, but isn't the field already flat on the edge? If so, why not just buy a reducer that doesn't flatten like the Intes models?


it is indeed flat tony :D I want to wait untill the celestron ones come out but I will check out the ones Robh has suggested :p

ps hope you will be around for the opening ceremony in early december :eek:

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Just this very second been looking at those Rob, seems strange that Optec beat celestron to the market!! The other thing I read on CN was how can they work for both ACF and EDGE and ACF has a curved focal plane and the Edge has a flat one???

Now all I need is a friendly Astro retailer that sells them in the UK (I’m not a fan of this whole importing things unless they are a great deal cheaper)

hummmm I wonder :)

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Nice scope, Ill be interested to hear how it performs visually as well as imaging. My old C11 was great for visual but took a bit of work to get the best out of it imaging wise.

Mind you, with fastar that should be one heck of a fast scope.


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The other thing I read on CN was how can they work for both ACF and EDGE and ACF has a curved focal plane and the Edge has a flat one???

That was my thought too.....I can't see how they would work for both.



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