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Finally on the TV firm


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Yeah I know what you mean. Is that the hyperion you are talking about? Whats the reason it differs so much?

The 10" sees near perfect sharp stars almost to the very edge of view but the Evo maybe up to 70-80%. I would never get rid of the baader but it has shown it's limitations.

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looks very tidy mate. :)

new foam inside?

I made sure to keep the foam I'd taken out. From reading other threads I'd seen that EP collections are forever changing and I didn't want my EP case ending up looking like...............

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24mm Panoptic's a beaut. I loved mine but went for the 22mm in the end and sold it. will be selling my 35mm soon as my 26mm Nagler makes it somewhat redundant.

would be nice to have gone for the 22 Nagler but was a bit more than I can afford at the moment mate. What I have will have to do for now :(

Hope things pick up for you asap mate :)

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oh no Alan, I meant the 22mm Panoptic. I could not afford the 22mm Nagler as well as the 26mm Nagler and 13mm Ethos. I am in the what I have will have to do camp too matey - cheers for the 'chin up' too :)

I cannot complain though.

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Got to love those 24 pans. If it wasn't for the 16 Nag only just falling short on the 24 pans FOV I would have chose one over the 22 nag and then I would have had myself a perfect compact set. I think the views in the 22 Nag are awesome but it's soooo heavy and then there's the whole swapping out EP adapters that I avoid using it. The 16 Nag usually covers most stuff I want to look at and it's nice a light so have no balancing issues. I found after getting the 3-6 zoom a similar thing was happening when given the choice between the compact zoom or the heavier radian. Despite the radian offering better FOV and huge ER it was put on the chopping block.

I find it such a pleasure to use the T6's because of the huge sharp FOVs in what is a relatively small package. If I didn't have the 16nag I would have probably gone with a 24 pan for the same reasons. Call it an obsessive but for me it's not all about the views that makes a good EP.

How's the 26nag working out for you Shane? I went out last night but it appears that high level haze is back making viewing DSO' a nightmare.


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How's the 26nag working out for you Shane? I went out last night but it appears that high level haze is back making viewing DSO' a nightmare.


hi Nick

the 26mm Nagler is awesome. I really love it and I fear the 22mm Pan may be on the block but holding onto it for now.

The 26mm Nag makes the 35mm Pan redundant though so I may well sell this shortly.

The scopes are out currently but I agree, it's hazy.

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Almost filled the case now. I need to decide on my low power choice. Not sure if I should stick with the naglers or go with a panoptic


nice ep collection you have jnc, you don't show on your signature what scope or scopes you are using them with.

One more and a low power?, well its no surprise that a Nagler would be a great choice its just the expence :)

31mm type 5, would be one low power ep I would be happy to own :eek:

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Can I join the club now please :)

I have been following this thread for some time, like others no doubt. You have really nice collections guys. Although I think collection may be the wrong word! Sets for practical use only and not because they all look pretty together :eek:

After my success from upgrading from the standard eyepieces, to Televue plossls, I could only carry on further one way.

The quality is just unrivalled, and I may be biased yes because I do not have a lot of experience with many manufacturers. But I will be hoping to stage by stage build my set to compose of some sexy green and black, with a pinch of orthoscopics too :icon_salut:

So I have just bought a Nagler 13mm and a Panoptic 24mm. It was refreshing to read what you have said about the 24mm especially after I had just bought it.

I can't wait to keep you posted,


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nice ep collection you have jnc, you don't show on your signature what scope or scopes you are using them with.

One more and a low power?, well its no surprise that a Nagler would be a great choice its just the expence :)

31mm type 5, would be one low power ep I would be happy to own :eek:

at the moment im using a skywatcher 150p but this is soon going to be changed to Orion Optics 8" newt hopefully

what im really after at the moment though is a canon 1000D which i think takes priority over another eyepiece im just waiting for a used one to come up for sale

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I have to say that I was perfectly happy with my Meade 4000's until I bought a nagler and radian. I tend to only use the TV's now. I'm looking to add a 16mm nag, 24mm panoptic and was going to get a 6mm radian but may try out the new 6mm Delos.

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I have to say that I was perfectly happy with my Meade 4000's until I bought a nagler and radian. I tend to only use the TV's now. I'm looking to add a 16mm nag, 24mm panoptic and was going to get a 6mm radian but may try out the new 6mm Delos.

would be interested in your thoughts on the Delos if you do buy one :)

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would be interested in your thoughts on the Delos if you do buy one :)

I'll be sure to post a review if/when the time comes. Expect that somebody else will beet me to it though - I have to agonise for ages before parting with money!

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Ok sorry to be a poop but I just cannot see the point in the Delos. Everyone seems so happy !!!!

Why it has took TV so long to come up with something to rival the XW is ridiculous. From the pricing I have seen so far it looks a joke.

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Ok sorry to be a poop but I just cannot see the point in the Delos. Everyone seems so happy !!!!

Why it has took TV so long to come up with something to rival the XW is ridiculous. From the pricing I have seen so far it looks a joke.

Isnt the point of the delos answered in your second paragraph ?

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No because the XW already exists and is cheaper.

The real point of the Delos is to make a load of people ditch their radians and panoptics to buy one. But shouldnt they have just bought XW's?

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