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At last I have managed to get some decent Jupiter shots


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My 1st proper voyage into planetary imaging. Last attempt was a flop and so had to give it another go.

Eventually stopped the DSO imaging and setup for the glorious Jupiter in full show.

So Skywatcher ED120 with 3x Teleview prime focus with a web camera.

I tried adding in a 2inch barlows to give 5x, but was too much for either the scope or conditions. I am guessing the scope.

So here is Jupiter at 2700mm F22.5 with my ED120.

Took about 10 avi's, processed them with Registax and then used CS5 to create a animated gif.

This is definately the best I have captured Jupiter and makes me wish for bigger FL

I am surprised how much the other moons move as well. Was not expecting that.

Click the picture for the animation

A couple of questions

1. So obviously got a transit of a moon. Was it Ganymede ?

2. Why am I getting a blue halo around the left hand side of Jupiter.

EDIT : Looking at it, is that dark spot on Jupiter actually the shadow from one of the moons to the left ? The seem to move together. I am guessing it is Ganymede and Io in the image moving with Ganymede's shadow being the transit ?


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You've pretty much nailed it! I second Space Cowboy, the 'RGB align' setting works a treat. This is used on the same screen as wavelets. Other than that, you've got pretty much all the detail the best imagers can get out of a small aperture telescope and webcam.

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Thanks guys, was really surprised how well it came out, the ED120 Pro is a good scope.

What would you say the limit is on this scope ? 3x Televue barlows ? 2700 F22.5 ???

The scope is a Skywatcher ED120 Pro FL900 F7.5 Diamond Black.

I tried again tonight with 5x and well, failed.

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I think you'll be limited by the seeing, not the scope. The air has been a bit choppy these last few nights. Last night it looked great, but I didn't manage to get the same detail as I did last Friday, and I didn't think it was very good then. Although, 5x is pretty ambitious :)

Great image BTW.

EDIT: Just realised it's a .gif, d'oh! Even better!

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