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Hello from Cornwall!!


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after being pestered by my mrs what "that thing" was in the night sky i eventually researched on the net an found out it was Jupiter! which lead me here few days ago, always liked space an stuff like that, i think theres lots of cool stuff which goes totally unnoticed by 99.9% of the population even tho its right above there heads, just not as easy to see as some other things.

anyway just bought a cheapo telescope off ebay for just shy of £40, if i get in to it all then i will probably buy something a bit more proper in a month or 3. had a telescope yonks ago when i was young but never really used it hole load.

mostly in to cars an have a job where i sit in front of a PC so tend to be on forums most of the day :eek:

over an out :D


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copyed from ebay...

Lumex Astronomical Telescope


EYEPIECE - F - 4 mm .......... 225 X & 450 X (W/2 X BARLOW) ACCESSORIES: 5 X 24 mm FINDER SCOPE

F - 12.5 mm ...... 72 X & 144 X (W/2 X BARLOW) DIAGONAL MIRROR & SUN FILTER

F - 20 mm ......... 45 X & 90 X (W/2 X BARLOW)

i was gonna ask on here first but decided dont really mind if its rubbish as i prefer to get something good if im gonna go for it, an if i work out what im doing with this one i can then make a better decision for a couple hundred quid one.

yes i think forums are probably the best place for info on stuff, an its great to try an parcipitate on them.


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I think you're doing it the right way, getting a feel for things first, don't forget, you have to persevere to get results - I wish you the best of luck.

Any scope is a good start, but be careful of the sun filter, they can be dodgy territory, best ask for more advice before trying that out.

There's a book called "Turn left at Orion" that will probably help you. I'm not the only one on SGL who uses it regularly.

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gonna sound stupid but what is the sunfilter? does it mean you can look at the sun? closest i got to that before is a welding mask!

yes just want to get a grasp of it, to be fair i already have a pretty good set of binoculars, 10x50 or something, never looked in to the sky with them tho!


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Hi Ralph :D

Welcome to Stargazers from Plymouth.

You need to download Stellarium. It is fantastic and will definately help you find your way around. I'm a newbie too and have a pair of Meade 10x50's and have been surprised at how good they are and what I can see with them, definately a good starting place. :eek:

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