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Hello from Hertfordshire


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Thank you all for such a warm welcome - I feel more comfortable asking stupid questions now.

I have been very lucky so far. The week has been pretty clear and I have had a chance to get out a few times already to work out how my equipment works and I have managed to see a couple of sights from my garden. I think I need to get out more though because I can only see a relatively small area of the sky from there and no chance of observing planets because of the trees. I'll try and summon up the courage to go to my local astronomy club - there is one that meets just down the road from me.

In the winter I will be able to use a really open disused airfield in a very dark part of Essex straight from work so I might have to wait till then for much planetary stuff.

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Hi Xavier, you have just started out on a great hobby - which part of Hertfordshire are you from? i live down on the south boundary by the M25 and the light pollution is ROTTEN! So if you can give me the tip of that nice dark airfield in Essex, it might be nice to meet up some time!

By the way I too am a rank amateur, but I can confirm that enthusiasm (and a very warm coat) are the best ingredients at this stage!

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