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Hello from Normandy


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Hello everyone.

I'm Stephane. I'm quite new to astronomy but very eager to learn. I've found a Tasco 114/900 at a bootfare last year, and am trying to see something with it (when the clouds allow). Not easy. I think the collimation was completely off first of all. I aligned it the best as I could during the day and tried it on the balcony by a nice summer evening. Pointing on a bright "star" after a bit of tinkering I thing I saw saturn and its rings. Really cool. I was so chuffed. I was hooked. I spend all summer evening looking at Jupiter and its satelites, and also the moon.

But looking at stars, I must say it is a bit disapointing. I cannot see much. Mind you I don't know my Cygnus from my Andromeda. I now have a subscription to Sky at Night and saw my first galaxy last month with binocular. Tried to point the telescope to it but could not see much. Maybe my alignments is not great. seems to work on bright stars though. could it be the mirror surface witch is not great? It looks a bit funny when looking at it close.

My goal is to save some cash and get a 80mm refractor to avoid this faffing around with alignments and get a more portable setup. Also thinking about wide field astroimaging maybe... time will tell.

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Hello Stephane. Trashco 114 is not that good for dim objects but moon and planets will be a joy, you need a reflector for dim objects but binoculars are excellent for sweeping the sky.


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Bonjour Stephane,

I'm an Englishman living and working in France (running an astro gite) but I'm down in Provence, north of Sisteron. My partner Monique is from Le Havre, though, and so Normande by birth. There should be plenty of dark sites in rural Normandy even if it will be more cloudy than down here.



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