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Observing report for 10th August - special 1000th thread

Mark at Beaufort

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Last night was incredibly clear so I had many hours viewing DSOs with the 10" Dob.

Set up the scope and tested collimation on a few objects to get me going. The double double nicely split with the 5mm Nagler at 240x and then studied Albireo.

For the main observing I went south to Sagittarius starting with M22 this lovely Glob. On with the UHC filter to study M8 (Lagoon) and M20 (Trifid). Moved up to M16 (Eagle) and M17 (Swan). This had to be the best views that I have experienced with these objects so with the UHC filter still in place went to Cygnus for the Veil. Wonderfully clear in the 26mm Nagler.

With the sky clear to the horizon tried to view M69 and M70 in the 15x70 binos (Dob cannot view that low from my location). Easily found the lead stars for viewing these Globs but could not say that I could detect them.

Over to Scutum for M11 (Wild Duck) and M26. Whilst in the area viewed NGC6712 fantastic Glob (HT 95). Did not appreciate there was a PN nearby (IC1295) - must go back!! Also checked out the cluster NGC6664.

Over to Ophiuchus to look for Herschel 400 objects -

Started with NGC 6426 (Glob) and NGC6517 (Glob).

Now Aquila starting with the PN NGC 6781 (what a find). This is a large medium bright PN. Replaced the UHC filter to gain a better view. Recommend this PN.

Then moved the scope slightly to view the 2 clusters NGC 6755 and NGC 6756.

I had now been observing for over 3 hours so decided to end with a few favourites - M13 and M57. Final object M101.

Well an enjoyable observing night and I felt this report was appropriate for my 1000th thread.


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Great report. That's the sort of night that makes the lack of sleep we often suffer worth while. The whole scorpius/sagittarius area of the sky is fantastic. I wish I lived further south with less light pollution and better horizons.

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Well done on reaching your 1000th post.

Sounds a great night, shame about M70 again, it will come one day.

Agree about Ngc 6781 it's lovely object, when I viewed it, I couldn't see it without a filter, it seemed invisible with no filter but as soon as I attached the O111 it came to live.

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Mick its a bit annoying over M70 last night. I think if had set up the 4" frac on the high alt/az mount I might have seen it. It was that clear to the horizon.

Russ you will appreciate this PN I was really surprised how good it was last night both with and without the UHC filter. Using a O111 on a dark site could be quite impressive.

Hoping to visit Salisbury on Saturday so hopefully will meet up.


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You have enjoyed a very pleasant journey there Mark, and fitting it coincided with reaching 1K posts. Not too long before 2k beckons.

Nice account of the session. Thanks for the great descriptions of the objects.


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Sounds like a fantastic night. You really tore through those southern objects. The NGC 6712 and IC 1295 combo sounds interesting. I'm up in Wales this weekend with a dark southern sky, so (cloud permitting) I think I'm going to be doing a similar tour to yours :p

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