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Sky at Night

Martin 2

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I set the video wasn't sure if I would make it to the end or wake up just when it had finished with the realisation I had only managed the first 10 mins, going to watch it later.

Still only terrestrial TV here, so have to settle for the unextended version.

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I set the video wasn't sure if I would make it to the end or wake up just when it had finished with the realisation I had only managed the first 10 mins, going to watch it later.

Still only terrestrial TV here, so have to settle for the unextended version.

You can get a set top box from Argos for just 23.99 this month I just bought me a spare one works like dream

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Moon Plodger was shown setting up his tent, with his mates Graham and Albert. I was pitched to the right of them, but by the time I realised who it was they cut the shot, so I don't know if I made my TV debut!

My phone hasn't rung so I guess not .............. :insects1:

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The Kelling rep seemed a little breif and 'dumbed down?' but still gave me the feeling that I should really get myself up there sometime. Never been to a star party and now feel I've been missing out on something nice.

The whole sky at night show really should've been half an hour longer. Everyone semed to be talking at a million words a second (even quicker than Sir Patrick's usual rate) to get everything in - like they new it would be a struggle to fit it all into the programme. I recorded it on Tuesday evening and am going to watch it through again. Shame the sound doesn't work on the slow play feature (-: would be nice to play it through at half speed.

I feel the need to rewatch and check on the contained contradiction on the age of the universe. First they say that evidence is that the constant candles we base alot of data on could be misleading - then they show an interview where everything seems certain... hmm... rushed edit perhaps?

Still, was nice to see the current month's prog for a change instead of watching it from the CD off the magazine.

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As one of the people on here currently studying the OU course on Astronomy I am quite impressed by the fact that there is so much of this science that is guesswork, and that people are willing to revise their estimates based on the latest data. The age of the universe tends to vary between 12 and 15 billion years depending on the time of the day, who you speak to and what programs you just watched. I wouldn't be surprised if the revised estimate was filmed after the other piece and mixed into the show with no one noticing, such is the pace of change and differences of opinion. I loved the cosmology bit, as the guy himself pointed out it's changed out of all recognition in his lifetime thanks to new discoveries and technology.

On this subject, a big shout out to the Hubble space telescope. So much of what was previously guesswork or indeed completely unknown seems to have been changed by that thing. Every other image we see in magazines and on TV is a Hubble image, and reading up on some of the branches of astronomy is like one big name-check for the Hubble and it's discoveries and comfimations of theories.

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