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Is there another Earth out there ?

Condor Gold

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The ultimate questions of our Universe I can think is

Is there other life forms / civilasations / out there ?

How big is the Universe ?

etc, etc

But also is there another Earth out there. By that I mean in our Solar System our planet is the only one that can seem to sustain life. Its got the right balance of hot and cold and water and oxygen and gasses and gravity, etc, etc.

Earth really is the gem planet of the Solar System because of its ability to produce a living enviroment and thats why we are able to exist !!!!

Jupiter and Saturn and Pluto and Uranus, etc, etc - as far as I am aware are either too hot or too cold or lack water or oxygen , etc to sustain life.

So based on this I think there is no other life in the Milky Way because there dosent seem to be a enviroment that can sustain life.

But what about further out into the Universe - is there likely to be or unlikely to be another Earth type planet - with all the right balance of things to be able to produce and sustain life ?

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Is there other life forms / civilasations / out there ?

IMO - Yes without a doubt.

Do I think that they have visited earth.

IMO - Not a chance.

How big is the Universe ?

Very very large indeed. About a billion Galaxies (could be wrong).

I've heard that there is the possibility in life under the ice on one of Jupiters moons (Callisto is it?).

The lack of oxygen, doesn't preclude life. Just because we need oxygen doesn't mean that any other life out there does...

There are about a billion stars in our Milky Way Galaxy, the chances of one being in the sweet zone is fairly high I would think.

This could be an interesting thread.


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When you have an infinite amount of galaxys, stars and planets even what seams as a rare event on the tiny scale of our solar system, becomes highly probable. So I think there is life for sure. We can't assume oxygen and water are required for life. Some life forms in earth live under extreme condition. The matter of intelligent life forms is another thing. But again, even a low probability event haves a high chance of happening more then once, when you test it on infinite scenarios.

I have to agree with ant about the idea of they visiting us. Our current knowledge of physics shows that the universe is so huge and expanding at nearly light velocity witch renders a visit as something nearly impossible. Maybe if there was life in the surrounding areas of our galaxy it could happen, but even so the distance still is enormous and with our current knowledge there's not even an imaginary, viable solution for it.

Besides, even if they do come to earth, nothing guaranties we'll still be here to see it. We exist on the planet for about 2.5 million years give or take. If we assume we will be extinct in another 2.5 million, that reduces the time window for someone to get here and see humans. Also, nothing can guarantee another race will exist on the same time window as us. They could have existed millions of years ago, in a nearby star, or they can exist now but be millions of light years away.

So even if you get a message in a program like SETI from say M13, witch is very close, it was sent 25.000 years ago, so if we answer, 25.000 years later maybe there won't even be anyone there to receive the answer.

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Definitely. While the concept of there being life out there is an incredible concept, the thought that we are alone in this vast universe in inconceivable.

As for discovering evidence of life beyond the solar system, I'm not sure whether the SETI or the WETI approach is the best.

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I always like to look at it this way.

If we find life out there it will be Amazing...

If we find that we are the only planet harbouring life.. it will be INCREDIBLE

Now that we know that more than half of stars have planets around them and roughly just how many stars there are out there; It would be more controversial to say none of them are capable of harbouring life than saying some might.

Either way, both theories are wonderful thoughts ;-)


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I defenatly believe that there is other life form out in that massive universe it would be a big downer if we are the only lide form because of how many planets there is and plus knowing 100% sure that there is other life form would be amazing lol but just where are they hiding

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Is there other life forms / civilasations / out there ?

IMO - Yes without a doubt.

Do I think that they have visited earth.

IMO - Not a chance.

How big is the Universe ?

Very very large indeed. About a billion Galaxies (could be wrong).

I've heard that there is the possibility in life under the ice on one of Jupiters moons (Callisto is it?).

The lack of oxygen, doesn't preclude life. Just because we need oxygen doesn't mean that any other life out there does...

There are about a billion stars in our Milky Way Galaxy, the chances of one being in the sweet zone is fairly high I would think.

This could be an interesting thread.


I believe you might be thinking of Europa?

I have no doubt there is life somewhere in the universe other than on our Earth, be it single celled organisms or intelligent life with societies and such. They might have come and gone many times over millions of years.

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For the life of me I cannot understand why we are obcessed with a "Sweet Zone". When you think about all chemical possibilities, life doesn't have to be DNA-based at all, they could have a completly different biochemisty. So perhaps alien civilisations would be aghast at our searing heat and deadly oxygen atmosphere.

As for the possibilty of life... 99.999999999999999999999999999999999% (and the rest) YES.

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The Milky Way is massive. Did you mean there is nowhere else suitable for life in the Milky Way or did you mean our solar system?


I just meant our solar system - Jupiter, Uranus, Saturn, Pluto, Mars, etc, etc - there dosent seem to be life on them planets.

But the rest of the Miky Way - I dont even know what exists there - so maybe there is life in our Milky Way.

But there is no doubt in my mind - that Earth is the special planet of our solar system in its life giving enviroment. So rather than ask the age old question do aliens exist - I just wanted to see what all you experts think about the possbilty of there being other planets out there similar to Earth.

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Life elsewhere? Imminently, certainly, yes.

Aliens been here? Only a 0.00000000000000000000000000000000001% chance. So probably not.

When will we find alien life? I guesstimate within 100 years - but only confirmation of a life supporting planet. Unlikely to be any interaction.

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I just wanted to see what all you experts think about the possbilty of there being other planets out there similar to Earth.

I see no need for the sarcasm. Assuming it was unintended; you might like to look up NASA's Kepler mission. Its a space telescope launched earlier this year to answer this very question. Its just coming out of its very succesful testing phase and starting to send back real data. I would expect there to be early indications that Earth-like planets exist (or don't exist) in a year or two. After all the data has been collected and analysed (around five years) a good estimate will be possible based on real observational data.


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I didn't read it as sarcasm :rolleyes:

Good tip though Steve, the Kepler mission is fascinating. I read a stat that of the likely size/type stars that they have looked at with the hope of finding planets, they have found them planets around 40% of them. There must be zillions of planets out there. As others have said, it would be more of surprise if there wasn't 'life' on any of them.

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No - not intended as Sarcasm - but I can see how you might of got that impression

Obviously not everyone on this board is a space professor - I was just referring to the "experts" on this board as the people who know alot more about it than a novice like me who just has the basic understanding of things.

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If there is another earth type planet out there then I see a exciting possibilty that it could harbour human being like creatures. Other posters have made a good point that some life forms could live on planets not needing oxygen or water or sunlight, etc, etc. But then those life forms are likely to be very "alien" and unlike human beings. I'm most excited about there acutally being other human like beings out there who had intelligence and a sense of humour and were civillsed and done things to entertain themsleves and played sport, etc, etc like our Milky Way Galaxy human like cousins.

thats a amazing possibilty.

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Amazing indeed but I think quite unlikely. Human life on Earth is merely a blink of an eye in planetary terms. The chances of two planets blinking at the same time must be pretty small! :-)

If it happened, I wonder if they'd play cricket?


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I suspect "earths" and lowly life (single or multi-cell) forms are quite common - Higher lifeforms, like us, less so. The earth seems indeed fortunate, beyond merely being in the "goldilocks zone" (whatever). Other factors come in... Rotational / Seasonal stability, due to the Moon. Neighbourhood planetary migrations and/or Jupiter fielding "errant bodies", which might cause more regular global extinctions. Despite it's resiliance, life has only just "clung on" ... on several occasions? :rolleyes:

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