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Any heard of a company called Astronomia?

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Thanks to all that replied. I've just gone for the Sky-Watcher Explorer 130. At £116 delivered for my 1st scope I cant complain. I would have loved to have spent more, but its a recession after all:).

Heres hoping for lots of clear skies.


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Astronomia - in Dorking. They are just down the road from me. I havent bought a great deal from them just Baader 5mm as they had one in stock after the price hike and I cant resist a bargain and also a few EPs for my sister when she was down to see me and her birthday was coming up and she got all 'needy' on me :icon_eek:. OH I also bought my Celestron EP kit and a few small bits from there before I was on SGL.

Matt, the young guy in the shop most of the time is an enthusiastic astronomer himself and he knows his stock well. They are friendly and solid as dealers and I'd have no reason not to say they are sound to buy from. I'd not have any issues buying from them myself for sure.

They were also kind enough to lend me a bit of kit for a review I am writing at the momemnt - ssshhhh cant tell you about it yet :)

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I popped in to this shop about a month ago to discuss a first scope (when funds allow...!)

I spoke to Matt. Had a very good chat - as has been said already, he is enthusiastic, knows his stuff, and was about to leave at the end of work that day to go observing down at Winchester (I think) - so he's definitely a "hands on" astronomer...!

Best Wishes,


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  • 4 years later...

Tried to purchase a laser collimator and red light torch from them on the 18th Feb. Still not received the items and after no response to emails, unfortunately, have requested to cancel the order. I'm patient, but if a shop can't be bothered to at least notify you if a problem has occurred with the order so you can prepare a longer wait, then I can't be bothered to place my custom with them.

Harsh I know, but thats the world we live in now!!

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I bought my stuff from them. They are well informed and helpful but promised delivery in 1 to 2 weeks and it was over a month. Also I bought an extra eyepiece from them and they forgot to send it, had to chase them up after a week. Whether I use them again or not will depend on how they deal with me in future. Better the devil you know than the .......

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Gentlemen, this thread is nearly five years old. 

@robfrost77. We take a dim view of people who join SGL only to bash a retailer. Please consider posting something more constructive. 

If anyone wants information on Astronomia or any other retailer please see our Supplier Reviews board. 

This thread is closed  :police:

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