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Uranus and moons


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Ok, I'm not going to win any awards for this photo, but it's something I wanted to achieve for ages.

I don't expect to be able to see Uranus's moons visually with my current scope, but at least I might be able to image them. Managed to snap this shot last night after several previous failed attempts. My first 'proper' pic with an old MX716 CCD, and my first moons apart from our own and a few of Jupiter's and Saturn's. Perhaps Triton next.

Tricky guiding at this magnification, but at least you can see something. Several exposures 2-6 minutes, stacked. It's odd to see something as faint as Uranus so overexposed!

Hope you like it.


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Ok, I'm not going to win any awards for this photo, but it's something I wanted to achieve for ages.

I don't expect to be able to see Uranus's moons visually with my current scope, but at least I might be able to image them. Managed to snap this shot last night after several previous failed attempts. My first 'proper' pic with an old MX716 CCD, and my first moons apart from our own and a few of Jupiter's and Saturn's. Perhaps Triton next.

Tricky guiding at this magnification, but at least you can see something. Several exposures 2-6 minutes, stacked. It's odd to see something as faint as Uranus so overexposed!

Hope you like it.

Astounding image

what equipments were used?

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what equipments were used?
I used B/W Starlight Xpress MX716 camera, 3x Televue Barlow and a Skywatcher 200 Newtonian scope. It was guided using an unmodded SPC900 webcam on a Skymax90 scope and PHD guiding (using Uranus itself as the guide star - at the magnitude limit of what the unmodded webcam was capable!).

I think I'll have another go when the moons are a bit more separated, so that I can resolve Umbriel and Ariel and maybe even pick up Miranda with a longer exposure.



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I don't expect to be able to see Uranus's moons visually with my current scope

I got two easily when I looked in rather poor condistions with an 11" SCT and managed to image three moons with an Imaging Source DMK camera (effectively a long-exposure-modified webcam). Should be a real cinch with a decent deep sky type CCD camera.

Triton is rather easier to see visually (brighter) but I found it harder to image (close to the planet & tends to get lost in the glare).

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This is a great image. The best thing about it is that you achieved something you wanted to do, so well done :) It's very informative and also a bit eerie.... as you say, I'm not used to seeing Uranus that 'bright' - in fact I'm not used to seeing it at all, lol!

Great work, I hope you manage to achieve more of your astronomy related goals soon ;)

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