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joys of imaging


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It is a little chilly tonight here as well (North Somerset). I've just come inside for a glass of plonk after spending the last 3 hours observing Io and it's shadow transiting Jupiter. Also saw a couple of festoons from the NEB and watched them rotate across the disk to be followed eventually by a very pale Great Red Spot.

Lovely stuff - didn't even feel the cold TBH :)

Look forward to seeing the results from the imagers who were working tonight :) I always like to see images of Jupiter taken around the time I was observing to compare what the images show against what my eyes saw, or think they saw.


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It's parky here too (about 30 miles further south west than John). I can sit inside whilst I image and use my desktop Mac to control the laptop but it doesn't seem quite right... :)

Another hour or so then I'll call it a night as I'm on kiddie duties tomorrow morning.

Oh hang on... that's in 5 and a half hours :):)


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Managed to get a couple of hours on a widefield M27 before a big bank of cloud approached from the North Sea at midnight, used the next hour or so to get darks etc and try out my new home-made light box which seemed to work very well.


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I'm enjoying a session on Andromeda (FL:300mm, DSLR). It took me about 3 hours to get the first sub in. Sitting in the garden with beer, cigarettes and 70s Japanese pop playing on the CD. First time with the side-by-side guiding rig. This is good!

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What do you mean "parky" the only reason I've had a coat on is to keep the shoulder that just been operated on warm

you'd have been well impressed with Kielder last year then

now that was chilly

sorted the streetlamp out

imaging Jupiter and I agree the GRS was/is pale

the 40D is churning away on the NAN (never done it before)

and now the 132 has done its planetary duties for tonight I've swopped over to the Helix

something else I've never got before

not the best conditions her but at least I can see something

hope it keeps clear


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I cant actually believe that the weather gods have condescended to let me gather enough data before I move all my stuff to Kelling in the morning so that I can finish my M33.

Like Peter I'm just doing a quicky on M82 now to check its potential as a mak newt target, I may save it for the SCT later in the year.

I have luckily managed to grab a couple of hours between runs, as we hope to leave fairly sharpish in the morning for the SP.

Not a bad night at all :)

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