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M57 from Saturday Night


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  • 2 weeks later...

Nice shot Greg,

How did you capture it? Was it a single exposure or a multiple stack? Saw it last night and the night before for the very first time - was absolutely stunned as the LX90 had only been set up on Vega and Arcturus and when using the handset and goto - went straight to it and stayed there with it!!

Looking forward to capturing an image - with my 300D but not too sure what would be the best exposure period ( subject to movement ).

I'll try with Prime focus through the 90 and hopefully may try again this evening, must admit though although not too much in the way of clouds, the sky seems to be full of a very light haze even around midnight.

Anyway - seeing yours has given me the urge to carry on :)

Cheers for now,


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