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Oh my, I have just seen Saturn for the first time..It's beautiful!

I can't make out the devision (stupid blue tint on Rubbish eyepieces) but I can clearly see the rings!

Wow!! Shame I can't get a good pic of it!!

Using the 10mm lens, the smaller ones are just awful..

Roll on when my new ones come!


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Hi Kain,

Congrats on seeing Saturn :saturn: you will prob see the Cassini division as you get used to looking through the eyepiece as i did through much cheaper optics when starting out :D


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Some addition info for you about Saturn Kain,

Using the classification based on size, Saturn is one of the giant planets. These planets are also known as the the gas giants. The other three giants planets are Jupiter, Uranus and Neptune. These gas giants all have diameters greater than 48000 kilometers.

The other planets, Mercury, Venus, Earth Mars and Pluto are called the small planets. The small planets all have diameters less than 13000 kilomoters.

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Kain, although your EPs may be a problem with the blue fringe your scope may well need collimating. Do you know how to check it?

Ive done the test when you look down the eyepiece hole and see your eye in the mirror in reverse..


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Oh my, I have just seen Saturn for the first time..It's beautiful!

Told Ya!

Congrats on the view, as others have said its not something that you will forget, ever. To see something a hundred million miles (or something like that) is awesome enough, but when it has rings, well that's something else entirely.

Very glad you didn't smash the 'scope.

Captain Chaos

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It's a bit more involved than that Kain although nothing too daunting. here is a link http://homepage.ntlworld.com/robin.scagell/collimate.html

Somewhere on the site there is a great link to a short video which shows the procedure very clearly. Can't find it now, can anyone help?

Cheers mate, I have just gone through the steps of testing my scope (using a mate getting very wet holding a torch donw the far end of my streed, and everything is fine (thank god!)

Thanks for the link though, have saved it for further use.


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