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hunting the red spot


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Set up tonight to try and image Jupiter and the red spot which was visible at

about 10 30pm.

I got some images but the seeing was poor and I couldn't get focus using

my 8" F6 with the toucam and a barlow.

Gave up in the end and shot a few AVI's without the barlow so that I could

get a least something.

Anyway, got a reasonable Jupiter and red spot although a small image.

Maybe next time :D


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Thanks guys

Just been messing with the images I took with the barlow in, to try and

recover something.

I'm quite pleased with this, even though its a poor image, because I've

never been able to image at this scale prior to getting the 8" F6 and

it shows that on a good night, I have the stuff to get some good ones.

Maybe tonight :D


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  • 3 weeks later...

Congratulations on both pictures. I like the first one more because I think the colours are great and a lot of details too. I hope I manage to take pictures like this in future. :D


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Hi Philip,

Thats a fabulous image of Jupiter - I'm quite jealous as it's far better than mine!! LOL :D

This is my attempt from last night - I'm already set now for this evenings attempt - need to get more colour I feel.

I did this one as an AVI from my Neximage and my 8" LX90 - prime focus. I got around 421 frames and put them through Registax 3.

What do you think?

PS Having difficulties when sending the image - being advised login details incorrect ! :?

Will retry in a second or two ... Cheers Dave. -- Excellent think I've managed to attach th epic now :D


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Thats a good image Dave. 8)

Focus is good, nice detail.

Next time, try turning down the exposure or gain a little.

It may seem a tad dark as you are looking at the live images but

after stacking you will get less burnout of the highlights.

Also have a play with the white balance settings to get that

last tweak of the colour.

Have fun and post your pictures from your next session :D

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Nice image there!. I was out a few nights ago with Russ of the forum here, we also managed the GRS + a moon transit. I must say I was suprised on how much detail we managed with the planet so low down.



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Hi Philip,

Many thanks indeed for the pointers - will certainly give them a try.

Managed to capture a few AVI's last night and will have a go this evening after 9:30 - 10:00 once it's a little darker.

Iv'e been using Registax3 and 2 and for some reason when nearly 95%+ the note pops up advising unable to decompress AVI frame - not too sure what that's all about but it stops the optimisation and stacking in it's tracks!

If you know what it may mean would appreciate any ideas anyone may have please.

All the best for now, going to setup the scope fro tracking.

Cheers Dave.

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