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probably my best 16th july capture

neil phillips

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Yes Neil, it's certainly an improvement.....I've found it a mistake to try for too big an image scale when the seeing isn't up to it (and in your situation at the moment Jupiter's elevation.)

And whatever scale you have imaged at, if there is any blurring etc of detail present reducing it (image size) invariably produces a more pleasing end result.....

To me there are 3 situations when imaging Jupiter etc when you have taken a punt with a visual ob through the ep first and set up your imaging train etc on the basis of that ep ob:

(1) Inability to get any sort of half-decent focus with whatever image scale you try - pack up!

(2) Situations such as yours where reducing imaging scale makes having a go worthwhile and limiting scale etc in processing.

(3) The "wow!" event where razor sharp detail has you extending the tubes for more scale or switching to stronger barlow etc - and feeling really good about what's going to come of the night's session, whilst entranced about what you're seeng on the screen!


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Thanks for the comments everyone. I actually think the DFK is far better than its given credit for. easily a match for the toucam. somewhat better in my opinion. Although now compared to the likes of a good mono camera somewhat lacking in sensetivety.

I may well start doing rgb work at some point as i do own a DMK i did some shots with that a while back but it was a very dissapointing night. however i think the tests i tried basically didnt work ( shooting at 60 fps) so i will now try again with this camera with a baarder red filter and do what i did here with the DFK. This will tell me how far behind the DFK really is.

I suspect ultimately it is indeed letting the side down a little. but thats from a whats possible perspective. As far as image scale is concerned seeing was actually quite good easily 7/10 so this was the perfect time to try this. But at this scale slight miss focus adjustments show up badly, as does wind movement so everything has to be just right. especially if you consider a f6 12" newt is pretty long and prone to movement. I may be getting there it feels like i am just hope my further experiments with the DMK turn out as planed. Heres hoping

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