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Man goes mad in France...

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Well you forumites did NOTHING to talk me out of an act of madness so I've dunnit. Ordered an Atik 4000, motorized filterwheels and new Baader filters. Of course I have the excuse of considering it a business acquisition, which has all the credibility of a flat earth hypothesis.

Does anyone know of any original way of breaking this to one's partner? Things are already touchy down here, what with that unfortunate Joan of Arc business still being rather a sore point...


PS The existing 16HR is staying, by the way.

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Congrats on the new camera Olly,

I'm currently trying to persuade my nearest and dearest that FLO needs a roll-off shed and a permanent imaging setup when we move next month..... She is giving me one of her knowing looks :icon_rolleyes:

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Does anyone know of any original way of breaking this to one's partner?

I usually use the words (as I am off to work) there is a parcel coming today....!

I look forward to seeing what you come up with Olly!


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Send me a 20" RC and I'll be happy to use it Olly!!:icon_rolleyes:

I'm selling the Meade 14, the CGE and the SXVF H16 to pay for it.....but I can't see me ever needing another mount ;)



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Here's some options on what you could say:

"Oh! a parcel for me? must be that cheap barlow I got off ebay" (then quickly run out to the obs unwrap the parcel and then pretend you've always had it).

"Hey look what I won in an SGL competition!"

"Wow my magic powers do work! look what's arrived!"

good luck - I'm very jealous!:icon_rolleyes:


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So far the suggestions are - er - most unlikely to save my bacon.... Please try harder.

So Rob, what are you going to put on the AP1200? A ZS 66 and a camera lens? I think there's something you're not telling us...


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So Rob, what are you going to put on the AP1200? A ZS 66 and a camera lens? I think there's something you're not telling us...


The TMB152 for the moment Olly....I'm cleaned out after this for a while....although I have future plans :icon_rolleyes:

Still, a TMB152 and an AP1200 isn't too bad ;)


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Rob, I always think my TMB looks the business on my AP 1200. I expect yours will look exactly the same!!

Olly, try the 'Some bloke tried to talk me into a much more expensive solution to my problems but I wasn't having any of it. I got a much cheaper camera instead'. You never know, women are supposed to be gullible.


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I knew Rob was up to something.

And as for Roundycat's suggestion, it's the best yet. I might get off with ten years hard labour and redecorating with that one.

I've agreed to install TV (hate the things myself) as a concession. How generous is that?


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You've met Amanda Ron, would you dare....I've watched her belting hell out of the punchbag in the garage.....I feel sorry for it :icon_rolleyes:;):)

Hey! dare I reply. she sneaks on here for a look around you know, so I'm keeping Schtum. 7.gif Do you practice eggshell walking.? HehHeh.

The thing is, her smile disarms you double quick.


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