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Back from a hiatus...

Tenor Viol

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Thought I'd better say 'hello' as I've not posted for a while. I made the questionable decision to retire then become a full-time student for the last 3 years. I graduate next week with a 1st for a BA in digital imaging and photography. Sadly, in no part due to the weather, I was unable to introduce much in the way of astro into my project work (apart from a GIF of lunar phases). I did  fair amount of film work as part of my course using 35mm, medium format 120 film in 6x7 format, and cut sheet 5x4 film. I also made photobooks and have been doing my own bookbinding.

I'm about to move further north from Shropshire to Cumbria. Although skies are meant to be 'similar' I will be much further away from large cities, so I think will be darker.

Once I've moved, I hope I can get to do some imaging. I have changed my camera kit recently so it's not done any astro at all - I'll talk about that on the photography thread.   

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I've had a fair few years away from it as well and it's been like being entirely new again coming back. Hardware is not that different but there's leaps and bounds difference in the software side of things. I was far from an expert on anything but now I'm waaaaay back to knowing nothing. 

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On 07/07/2023 at 13:49, Clarkey said:

Welcome back to the forum!

Cumbria is probably like Shropshire in many ways, but the reason for dark skies is the permanent cloud cover😁

Sorry - house move got in the way... I'm in Penrith...

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6 hours ago, Tenor Viol said:

Sorry - house move got in the way... I'm in Penrith...

Well, if you'd be so kind as to kepp your lights low... :) 

We have a getaway 4 or so miles south of Penrith. I use to call it my dark sky site but in the 20 years we've been going there the sky glow has grown greatly. Rather than just a glow on the horizon there is now direct glare from unshielded lighting in the intervening villages. And like most places, there is much building of new houses, particularly along the A6 corridor, on former farm land. 

Still, it's better to have the faint glow of Shap to the south than to have Blackpool illuminations as I do from my home sky!


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