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First time effort at a comet...

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Was happily imaging away the other night (by that I mean the tech does all the hard work and I sit there choosing what biscuit gets eaten next..) and I got a reminder of the comet that's visible so I had to try and get an image or two... I've attached two... one from my Canon R6 and the other from a ASI2600MM..  The green colour really stood out when finding the comet and I need some practice at processing DSLR images too as I haven't been able to get rid of a green cast. The camera shot is 60 seconds at 400mm using a Skyguider, the mono shot is from a ASI2600mm on a RedCat 71. I have 44 mono shots taken one after the other... once I've had some sleep I may try and timelapse them... both images have been cropped to very approximately match each other..

The tails are more prominent on the mono shot - this comet really doesn't seem to know which way it's going :)




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I too like that mono shot. The Comet looks good and the background very good. You have the RedCat and the 2600 combo working so well.

The R6 has done you proud for a single exposure.


Edit - Oops, forgot to ask which biscuit you decided on !

Edited by davew
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Lovely shots. This really is a nice looking comet. It should be renamed Comety McCometface. 

A few galaxies in there too!

It looks like the ion tail is now aligned with the main part of the dust tail, thanks to the viewing geometry.

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