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Hello from Oxford!


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Hi! I’m a 21 Year old Student from Wales But I took a year out and moved to Oxford 3 months ago to work at this Mental Health Ward. Let’s just say I needed a break from university 😅.

Honestly, this is the second time I’ve uprooted my life (by my own choice that is) leaving my home in Wales to go to somewhere else. However, unlike in Uni where I was able to make friends easily, Oxford really hasn’t been that easy, I get along with my Co-workers but outside of that I just go home, read and sleep. Not amazing at all.

So I decided to try indulge some hobbies and initially bought a 12x42 pair of Binos and they were fun… BUT I AM LOOKING TO GET SERIOUS! I’m about 2 lonely nights and 4 couple tiktoks away from purchasing an 8” Dob and I am really excited cause I know I can see more! Through attempts at taking photos from my phone and looking through binoculars I can see that there is a whole universe out there that I can observe and that’s really cool but I need to to the legwork and get me some gear that’ll allow me to do that. 

I made this post to say hi and see if there were other Astronomers in Oxford who can assist in my quest to see some cool stuff but also on another note if anyone is selling an 8” Dob hit my line I beg. Why are they so expensive? that’s the only thing that’s really holding me back it’s so expensive that I want to be sure and if I can see them work up in person that would seal the deal!!

Anyways I think I’ve done enough rambling for now! 

Clear Skies everyone! 




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Welcome. You’re on the right track; very sensible to look through a scope before you buy. Perhaps worthwhile trying to find an astro club nearby and pitch in there. Take your time - the stars will still be there.

Hope you have lots of fun. 🙂

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Abingdon has an active astronomy society that meets a couple of times a month. It meets in the north side of Abingdon so it’s relatively easy to get to from Oxford either by car or bus.  Abingdon Astro

I am not aware of an astronomy society in Oxford. The university has one, but whether that’s open to everyone I don’t know. 


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Welcome! As mentioned above, Abingdon Astro is a good local society, which you can also find on Facebook, as well as the twice weekly meetings, and observing sessions (dreadful climate permitting).

If you aspire to the Dark Arts, there is also a good Facebook group Oxford Astrophotography.


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When I lived in Maidenhead I used to travel regularly to Oxford as it is a historic University town.  It never had that 'jumping' feel of meeting others there. Perhaps you need to be in the University to meet friends.  Or you may need to speak Morse Code!

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On 30/10/2022 at 22:58, Ouroboros said:

Abingdon has an active astronomy society that meets a couple of times a month. It meets in the north side of Abingdon so it’s relatively easy to get to from Oxford either by car or bus.  Abingdon Astro

I am not aware of an astronomy society in Oxford. The university has one, but whether that’s open to everyone I don’t know. 


I was one of a small group of people who founded what is now called the Abingdon society about 40 years ago. It started out life as the Oxford & District AS. Not visited since I moved to the other place but it used to be a welcoming and competent society.

Likewise I was a member of OUAS when a student back in its hey-day. It went through a sticky patch some time back but seems to have recovered again. OUAS never used to mind having a few non-university members but I don't know their  current policy. I suggest you contact them and find out.

Just done a bit of finding out myself. It is now OUSAS (insert "Space and") and they have a Fakebook page at https://www.facebook.com/OxfordUniversitySpaceAndAstronomySociety/ with additional contact information given there.

Tthey are fund raising to repair their observatory (which I helped build) and for which I should send them a contribution.  https://www.development.ox.ac.uk/societies/space-and-astronomical  for the fund raising.

Good luck.

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2 hours ago, Xilman said:

I was one of a small group of people who founded what is now called the Abingdon society about 40 years ago. It started out life as the Oxford & District AS. Not visited since I moved to the other place but it used to be a welcoming and competent society.

It still is. I have to admit to not attending since before Covid. I sort of got out of the habit. It has good speakers and an active observing programme.   

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