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Everything posted by KingsAmis

  1. My mate lent me her smaller Dob for my nightshifts and while I’m fine collimating (it’s already not too bad it hasn’t been used much at all!) the mirror does have a few noticeable dust marks if that’s what I can call them. In terms of how that affects my usage the first time using it seemed alright albeit I wasn’t using my lens and I didn’t know what to expect from a dob that small (Table-top 3 inch) I’ve attached an image that shows some of the marks is it big enough of an issue that I need to take it out and clean the mirror?
  2. Yeah taking pictures is a pain! But I really liked the outcome. I’ll try those fixes maybe I just go to take a better look into collimating it.
  3. So I took my 8” StellaLyra out for first light last night and it’s was really damn cool I was able to see the moon in such clear and crisp quality using them Rigel cap I think it was collimated well-almost perfect out of the box which was nice. However a big issue arrived almost immediately with the balancing of the dob I don’t think I did it correctly. It would stayed locked onto the moon at times with it falling out of position as soon as I let go of the tube even with the adjustment bearings at their tightest. So my first question is how do I go about balancing the dob and how do I know when it’s completely balanced? Secondly, the RACI finder is great but it’s not aligned I found the moon with trouble and it was borderline luck that I found it via the 8mm considering my tube would drop every time it locked on. How does one align correctly? Finally I I saw Jupiter and it was beautiful, I found it through great and I mean great trouble using my 8mm the tube would drop each time I had to switch out my 30mm to 8mm eventually since it was directly a voice the moon I aligned my way there manually which took 20 minutes but when I saw it it was beautiful I think I saw 2 and maybe 3 Galilean moons which was really cool I will never forget that moment ever. However, details on Jupiter were quite hard to make out in all fairness I was using a moon filter at the time instead of the 80.a I have lying about but it was dark. That being said when I first managed to lock on to Jupiter I it was a bright white light after the scope stopped shaking I could resolve some details but not much colour it was very white. now that begs the question was I just using the wrong filter or was the scope not correctly collimated? Any help on this topic is welcome! Kind regards! Below are photos of the moon and Jupiter.
  4. So I’m going out with my scope on Friday (best conditions for a while 😭😭😭😭) and and I’m thinking that it might be worth having my first light in a spot that isn’t entirely overcome by light pollution. I wanted to know whether anyone here knew any good spots in Oxfordshire to set up a scope and observe?
  5. Honestly I feel that especially in Bortle 6 areas just staring at the sky normal shows a lot but with a pair of binoculars it’s really special. Dark patches show a tapestry of light it’s really cool just knowing things are hidden out there for you to find.
  6. So I was about to head to sleep last night around 1am and was getting ready for my shift at 1pm (night shifts have messed my sleep so I’m sleeping later than usual) and checked the weather before I slept. Low and behold CLEAR SKIES BABYYYYY. I don’t have a telescope yet but I have Binos but are being replaced soon. I decided it might be worth a quick victory lap with the Binos that got me into Observing. Grabbed my tripod and ran out to the back garden area of the flats I live in. The only solid ground was by the bins so that stank but It didn’t matter cause I could clearly see Orion, Mars with just my eyes. I live next to a motorway which usually sucks but no one was driving by the tesco near me was closed so no light. Bortle 6 but I could see A LOT. Stellarium said Pleiades was out so I started searching and noticed a faint blur through my poor eyes. Right above me. Damn near threw my back out looking up but after a bit of search and adjusting I saw it. 7 stars surrounding by several other little white dots what a sight!!! Orion was in a good position so I attached my Bino’s to my trip pod and began looking at Orion. The belt was so bright but that wasn’t my aim so I started searching you know what for… a few second of adjusting and there it was a smudge/blur surrounded by a few bright stars. M42 was present and I could see it! I tried taking a picture but it’s so hard to take picture with Bino’s ended up getting an image of the Belt lmao. after that futile attempt ai just kept switching between targets Pleiades, M42, Theta Tauri (I think that’s a binary system but I could notice two stars) eitherway it was just so good swing thing. That I had read about. With my Bino’s I was only able to see Ursa Major and Andromeda (not Galaxy just the Constellation). Swing that stuff felt like falling in love all over again. Just wonderful. below should my scuffed attempt at m42 lol
  7. Hi! I’m from Pembrokeshire also albeit I am not living there at the moment as I am in Oxford for work but I’m going back this Christmas as I miss the place dearly it’s so beautiful ain’t it? Photo looks incredible!
  8. Hi! I’m a 21 Year old Student from Wales But I took a year out and moved to Oxford 3 months ago to work at this Mental Health Ward. Let’s just say I needed a break from university 😅. Honestly, this is the second time I’ve uprooted my life (by my own choice that is) leaving my home in Wales to go to somewhere else. However, unlike in Uni where I was able to make friends easily, Oxford really hasn’t been that easy, I get along with my Co-workers but outside of that I just go home, read and sleep. Not amazing at all. So I decided to try indulge some hobbies and initially bought a 12x42 pair of Binos and they were fun… BUT I AM LOOKING TO GET SERIOUS! I’m about 2 lonely nights and 4 couple tiktoks away from purchasing an 8” Dob and I am really excited cause I know I can see more! Through attempts at taking photos from my phone and looking through binoculars I can see that there is a whole universe out there that I can observe and that’s really cool but I need to to the legwork and get me some gear that’ll allow me to do that. I made this post to say hi and see if there were other Astronomers in Oxford who can assist in my quest to see some cool stuff but also on another note if anyone is selling an 8” Dob hit my line I beg. Why are they so expensive? that’s the only thing that’s really holding me back it’s so expensive that I want to be sure and if I can see them work up in person that would seal the deal!! Anyways I think I’ve done enough rambling for now! Clear Skies everyone!
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